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Glad to be back!!


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Hi all, it's been a while since I"ve posted. I changed browsers & lost my saved password, then had to wait for forum changes to be made to be sent a new password. So Biscotti & I haven't been able to post for awhile. I think the last time I posted Biscotti had started saying his first words, "what are you doing?" Well the flood gates have opened!! :) He is constantly learning new words & phrases & the cutest is him saying his name. He says it with a little lisp and sometimes just says "Bis-cott" instead of Biscotti. It is so sweet. I am going to make some videos of him jabbering & get them up for you to hear. He is TOO funny! He is just 10 months old now, I think he's going to be quite a jabber box! I am enjoying him SO much!! Here's a picture of him begging for scritches!

Biscotti begging for pets.jpg

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