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Katy and Dusty from south africa


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HI there!!


Just wanted to say hi to everyone and introduce myself and my 9 week old CAG Dusty.


The only parrots Ive ever owned where already adults and adopted from owners that did not want them anymore...so to have an actual baby grey is a new experience for me.


I joined this forum to get advice that i cant find in books and just to read about fun stories of other happy parrots and their owners.


nice to meet you all


Katy and Dusty

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Hello Katy and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Dusty.


You have taken on quite a responsibility, one that most of us would usually leave for those who have experience and know what they are doing but you know you can count on us for any help and please do read thru the many threads here especially the nursery room where you will find lots of helpful advice.


But you are right about the advice you cannot find in books, sometimes it helps to get it straight from "the horse's mouth" as we have many members who are either breeders of greys or have a lot of experience with handfeeding birds.


I can see from your avatar that Dusty is adorable and if you have some more pictures you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Yes ive become quite aware of how absolutely young he is and that most vets would be appalled at him being sold at such a young age, I know this because I called every avian vet within a 200km radius!


The horror stories ive read and heard about are enough to make you cry.

He is still quarantined, and every precaution that I know is being taken.. but i know you can never be too careful.


thanks judygram for the welcom, I will be sure to ask for advice and ask any questions i may have

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Hi Katy ~ welcome to you and Dusty. I echo Judy's sentiments about having such a young bird and i is such a comittment, that I certainly wouldn't want to undertake (here in the UK it is illegal to sell unweaned birds - so this decision is luckily taken out of our hands anyway).


As Judy mentions, there are some very experienced members of our team who would be very happy to help, and as we are an international board there is always someone about. Don't feel shy of asking ANY questions, no matter how insignificant you think they are. We would rather help you and enable you the best help we can give.


Dusty looks such a sweetie x

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Welcome to our perch. I hope you like it here and many will be glad to fill you in concerning any info you want. Feel free to also supply your opinions, pictures or just to have a friendly chat with many others here that are pros at having friendly chats.

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Hi, welcome again, these people are the best, excuse me, "SPOCK, NO, NO MORE BABIES!!![sorry] STOP IT, you can talk to them later!!!" I'm sorry, they get so assertive as they get older, don't mind Spock, you'll get used to him...Maggie [Jayd, Spock and all the rest]

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Thank you spinner and everyone.


I have uploaded some more pics of other members of dusty's flock.

If anyone has some advice for me I asked a question in the nursery, introducing new experiences to a 10 week old.

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Hi Katy and sweet little Dusty. Love that name, so appropriate for our greys! You have a lot more courage than I have to raise a grey from the beginning. I look forward to hear more about Dusty and how he progresses. Can't wait to see some pictures! Welcome to the Grey family!

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Hahahaha! Welcome Katy and Dusty! As I hope you can imply, everyone on here is great, supportive, and the knowledge is surreal. I hope everything continues to go greyt with you and Dusty, you're certainly not weak at heart to take on such a young baby, I was scared to take mine on at just over 3 months! That being said, it sounds as though you are doing a wonderful job, keep it up!

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