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When I go on my holidays..........


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I know we have visited this many times before - I did this time last year and all was fine, but this year when we go on holiday I know Harvey will definitely remain in his cage for the full two weeks. As you know - he is going through "that" stage and basically nobody but me (and obviously sometimes not me) can handle him.


I cannot expect my parents to succumb to bites - I put up with them, but they shouldn't have to. Last year he was just a baby - he went in and out no problem for them, but this year they will not stand a chance.


How detrimental will this be to him? My mam doesn't work, so will be in all day, every day - so he'll actually have more company than he has here, but obviously no "out" time. I am worried sick that he will start plucking. I can't put my life on hold for Harvey - it needs to be done, but until he will let other people handle him, he'll have to stay put. :(

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Nope, going abroad - so unfortunately he can't come. My parents will really, really, really look after him and my mam could represent England at the Olympics for talking (mmm, I can see where I get it). He will be fed, watered and talked to, just not allowed out.


I don't blame them at all. I am loathed to let him out when he's biting - and he doesn't always bite me - just everyone else all of the time. I really hope he is okay.

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I think he will be fine. It will be a new enough scenario that just being there will be very interesting. I have heard of biting parrots that stop biting after going visiting so maybe this will even help in the long run. And if he does start to pick at his feathers, its a very short time and you have time to get him back to normal when you return. Enjoy your trip. We do need our own lives too.

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I'm sure it will be okay... as dan said you won't know exactly until you have tried it. At least your Mom will spend lots of time talking to him and giving him goodies. Then you can be the rescuer that gets him out when you get back :P


I spent 3 weeks away from Yoshi... and all she had while I was gone was my husband's attention. I was worried as he doesn't spend as much time with her, and because I didn't want Yoshi to think I didn't care about her anymore and left her. Well he was pretty busy with school and he just isn't as into Yoshi as I am, yet they got along just fine, and Yoshi was super excited to see me again when I got back. I think they actually became better friends while I was gone :)

Edited by jessdecutie18
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Jill, you say that they won't have Harvey out, but let's face it. He'll be hanging off his cage bars looking at your mom with those gorgeous round eyes with his beak turned into his crop just enough to hide the point and she will melt. The door will be flung open, and Harvey will be up to his antics right away. Your mother will be sick with worry, the house will be hermatically sealed in order to not allow Harvey any opportunity to escape, (I hope your Dad doesn't mind having to spend a few more hours at the pub) mom will sit and wait (for a long, long time) until Harvey decides he is hungry and returns to the cage for a bite, where your mom will lunge at the door slamming it closed in defeat. This process will repeat itself everyday until you return. Harvey will be fit, happy and healthy, your mom will have lost the few pounds that she has been complaining about, and your dad will need to be given an opportunity to dry out from having to spend most of his time at the pub for two weeks. It sounds like wonderful fun! Why are you worried?


In all seriousness, I was amazed at how Paco allowed my Dad to handle him when I was not around at Christmas. All was good, both were happy, and Paco has taken to biting everyone but me as well.

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