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Squinty eye


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I noticed last night that Benji seemed to be favoring one eye. It seemed a little swollen maybe and the skin around it was a little pinkish.


When I spoke to him and he looked at me it was wide open as always. But when he was just sitting it looked liked he was squinting with that eye. The other eye is wide open.


He is acting like himself. He is flying around, talking, eating, being affectionate.


So I gave it till this a.m. and when I first looked, he was still squinting. I fed him his morning fruit. When I came back after showering, the eye looked fine again. I'm not sure how it would have completely improved in 30 mins?


I think he may have accidentally scratched it with his nail when scratching his head. But there are no visible scratches. It's not runny or anything.


He, otherwise, seems fine.


I'm at work now so haven't seen it since this a.m. and hope to get out early to go check on him.


Should I take him to the avian vet or if it looks fine now, just leave it alone?


Any ideas what it may be?



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As Sheila says, the eyes are very sensitive, having said that, if it looks fine now, it may be a little pointless taking him to the vet if there is nothing to see. At the very least, obviously keep a very close eye and if it pops up again, I would whip him straight to the vet. Better to be safe than sorry I always say.

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Yes. I am very relieved. He turned one year old on 4/5 and I knew that I have become very attached over the last year. But when something is going on and you worry about the baby's health it is a great reminder of how much you care.


So he's fine and I've had a reminder not to ever take him (or any of my loved ones) for granted. Thanks for the replies!

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