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Palm Nuts!


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That's good news, but just so there's no confusion, those are Queen Palm nuts, not African Oil Palm nuts. Very similar, but not the same. Either way, I'm glad someone is finally carrying them. I came up blank on finding an exporter that would ship Red Palm nuts to me here in the states. If anyone knows of an exporter, pm me so I can contact them.


Thanks, Lambert!

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Yep, queen palm.


I get them fresh cutting right out of the trees here in california from neighbors. Dayo and jake likes eating them. But, they are not the same oil content as the red palms.


I have been hoping red palm nuts would be imported here too, but no such luck.

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Can someone please, please explain why the US won't import Palm Nuts? They are round little nuts, as the name describes! If it's political, don't worry - I won't expect an explanation - but if it's importation laws due to something else, I am really interested. Thanks in advance x

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From emails I've traded with a few potential suppliers, it's simply an issue of potential spoilage and the supplier not wanting to mess with what it would take to ship to the states. For true Red Palm nuts, they simply ripen/mature too fast and would spoil by the time they arrived unless they are frozen.


I do not believe it is a quarantine situation, rather, it's a shipping hassle problem.


I'm still looking for a supplier that can ship bulk, and I'll ship around the states.

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That's really interesting Dave - because we receive them here in the UK and store them frozen. We defrost them one by one when we need them. I presume they are imported here that way too. It's such a shame - they are such a great thing for peace and quiet, whoops, I mean nutritional value!

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Spinner, if you find a source, please let us know. I was doing some searches and came up with nothing as well. I am glad to know you did a lot of this already. Elvenking - tell me how the palm nuts go with you. I am thinking of getting some too but would like to hear about how ripe they are by the time they get to California.

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Spinner, if you find a source, please let us know. I was doing some searches and came up with nothing as well. I am glad to know you did a lot of this already. Elvenking - tell me how the palm nuts go with you. I am thinking of getting some too but would like to hear about how ripe they are by the time they get to California.



How do I tell if they are ripe or not? I will likely have to freeze them when I get them to keep em fresh.


I hope they go over well with my baby.

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I doubt that you'll be able to purchase palm nuts in the US anymore. About 5 yrs ago, there were 2 companies selling in the US but unfortunately, they weren't popular because of the high price. 10 oz jar would cost about $25 to $30 dollars. Most people who were checking out the nuts were doing so in order to get the palm oil. When it was discovered that the palm oil was easily available in many places, the nuts declined in popularity. Palm nuts can be easily purchased in the UK but even if they would ship to the US, the price of the product plus the S/H can be extremely high.

2 places to get them in the UK are RobHarvey.Com( may be wrong about link--company can be easily found) and Junglegold.Com. Most Ukers here are probably familiar with those companies

Actually, your greys really don't need those nuts even though it's one of their basic foods in the wild. They do have other basic foods in the wild such as insects, other types of wild seed etc. I doubt that anyone wants to order insects just because it's one of their staple foods and the seeds can't be purchased because they're not harvested. Their other basic food has to do with stuff that's been laying on and in the dirt. Greys are scavengers and will eat many things

The palm oil provides them with the 2 most essential items which they need---VIT A and VIT E.

Edited by Dave007
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I doubt that you'll be able to purchase palm nuts in the US anymore. About 5 yrs ago, there were 2 companies selling in the US but unfortunately, they weren't popular because of the high price. 10 oz jar would cost about $25 to $30 dollars. Most people who were checking out the nuts were doing so in order to get the palm oil. When it was discovered that the palm oil was easily available, the nuts declined in popularity. Palm nuts can be easily purchased in the UK but even if they would ship to the US, the price of the product plus the S/H can be extremely high

2 places to get them in the UK are RobHarvey.Com( may be wrong about link--company can be easily found) and Junglegold.Com. Most Ukers here are probably familiar with those companies

Actually, your greys really don't need those nuts even though it's one of their basic foods in the wild. They do have other basic foods in the wild such as insects, other types of wild seed etc. I doubt that anyone wants to order insects just because it's one of their staple foods and the seeds can't be purchased because they're not harvested. Their other basic food has to do with stuff that's been laying on and in the dirt. Greys are scavengers and will eat many things

The palm oil provides them with the 2 most essential items which they need---VIT A and VIT E.



A palm nut vendor was located Dave, but they are the Queen Palm Nuts...and I am just curious if Greys like those as well as Red Palm Nuts. Either way...for 7 bucks and shipping, I am finding out.

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Here you go another in the States producer of Palm nuts- Since so many birds in the wild eat palm nuts almost exclusively, I thought I would send this information on from a woman in Fla who is starting a palm nut business.


Below is her full information and there is a video that she has produced.



Palm Nuts will be harvested the day before shipment. All Palm Nuts shall be shipped via USPS Priority Mail and reach you within 2 to 3 business days after shipment.


The Palm Nuts that are currently available for sale are from the Fan, Queen and Foxtail Palm trees. As other varieties (Canary Date, Bismark, Alexander and Christmas Palm, etc.) become seasonally available, we shall offer them as well.


Our prices INCLUDES shipping:


$15 Small USPS Flat Rate Priority Box -- holds approximately 1.5 pounds of nuts (more or less depending on size of the nuts ordered)

$29 3 pounds of your favorite nut or nuts of choice

$39 5 pounds of your favorite nut or nuts of choice

$65 10 pounds of your favorite nut or nuts of choice

$75 15 pounds of your favorite nut or nuts of choice




To place an order for Palm Nuts, please e-mail me the following information to thecozynestbox@gmail.com:


Once I receive your order, I will send you an invoice through Paypal. Please note that we do not harvest nuts on a rainy day as we want the nuts to be as dry as possible for shipping purposes. If the weather should delay our shipping nuts to you as currently scheduled, you shall receive an email from me notifying you of the delay and the anticipated next shipment date.


I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding the Palm Nuts. Please feel free to send me your questions either via PM here on Avian Avenue or to my email address: thecozynestbox@gmail.com

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I will sit here in Canada and be jealous! I don't think we will ever get them, but my understanding is that there is a fear that someone might plant one?!?!?!?! The funny thing is, living on the west coast, there are palm trees transplanted everywhere, but I can't find anyone with a tree that produces the nuts yet. So, I will rely on the oil that Harrison's produces that I am able to get from my vet for $25.00 per few ounces... I've never been so poor in my life as I have since adopting Paco, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

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From what i hear and read Grey's love palm nuts so i bought some online the other day thinking George would love them but he has since payed no attention to them at all :( And he would usually eat anything. Maybe there still new looking to him and it might take time for him to get used to them. :)

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I have three palm trees on my property but I have no clue what types they are. I do know that the two in my current pasture are surrounded by old nuts on the ground. I also have one that is in my front yard (used to be my old horse pasture). I remember one year seeing my horses reaching up and eating the nuts that were produced. My question is, are any type of palm nuts OK or are some potentially poisonous?

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From what i hear and read Grey's love palm nuts so i bought some online the other day thinking George would love them but he has since payed no attention to them at all :( And he would usually eat anything. Maybe there still new looking to him and it might take time for him to get used to them. :)


I bought a small pack for about 7 or 8$... Sylvee doesn't seem to like them at all. lol

I was a little bit disappointed. =/

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Finally figured out what palms I have on my property. I have a Queen palm and Foxtail palms. I have more palms on the island in the middle of the pond but haven't checked those ones out yet. I can't believe I have had a tasty treat for my birds this entire time and not known it :o

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