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Issac Week 21


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So my baby is going into his 21st week of life. Again...nothing too groundbreaking...but I will share some of his habits. He loves to sit on my shower curtain rod while I shower and make all the noises he can possibly think of. Sounds more exploritory than anything, but I simply love it. After my morning shower, he loves to watch me preen and get ready. Let me tell you something about flossing. For some reason he gets all excited to see me do this and he start making his little 'excited' noise. For some reason that just gets him all riled up.


Another interesting activity happens when I put him in the cage and i have to leave. He will contort his body and legs in ways that puzzle me completely. He will say, put one claw up on the bars...then tuck his head underneath and try to roll upsidedown...it's really hard to explain. But I think he thinks he is a pretzel.


Regarding the Aviator...I am pretty sure he is never gonna let me put his head through the first part again. He is anti aviator. And there is no way I am just going to wrestle him to get it on. I am not sure how to help him make the association that it is something good. I will keep trying though.


Othere than that he is still his happy loving self. Tons of head scratches and always close to me. I am going to look into a travle cage for him so I can socialize him more though. The Aviator is either going to take a huge amount of work...or it may never work. He is on the back of my making cute noises right now. He loves to sit on my knee and preen while I watch movies or TV...and I always talk to him. Total sweet bird.


That is all for now. Here is a picture from just the last couple of minutes so you can see what he looks like today. :) If I can post it ;)






Edited by Elvenking
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He sounds like he's coming on fine Stephen - he does a lot of things Alfie did at that age - she always went through her repertoire in the shower!

Don't stress about the aviator, it'll either work or it wont. As you said, a travel cage is an alternative. It's nice to go out for a walk with them on your shoulder though!

Thanks for the update.

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i love reading these updates... keep them coming. I appreciate them because our dudes are so close in age and i can totally relate with what you are going through. Mojo has a very similar personality.


as for the aviator harness. i have a brand new one still in the package that Mojo HATES. i am goint to sell the thing on CL or somthing. instead i use a travel cage for outings. i tried the harness but it is so stressful for my mojo that i can't bear to sacrifice the trust we have due to my impatience. i just wish that they understood what we were doing when we try to put one on.

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Issac sounds like he has a mind of his own even though he is so sweet, don't give up on the aviator harness just yet but do get a travel cage as it will certainly come in handy when he goes to the vet and for outings, my Josey loves to go in hers.


I have seen Josey contort her body in ways that looks like she is hurting herself kind of like a pretzel as you described, I figured she was stretching herself in ways she normally wouldn't but it is funny to see.


Both my birds love popcorn as most probably do.

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One other thing he does that is funny. When I say, "You wanna eat?". He starts beeping like a microwave. Then he sees me starting to heat up say water for his formula, and then he starts flying circles in my apartment making the beep noise flying back and forth to my shoulder. It is quite a display and I hope the neighbors don't mind. LOL.

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Thank everyone for the kind comments on the video and Issac's progress. I have to say that it is so nice having this community to share these things with. It really adds to the joy I am experiencing with my feathered friend. Thank you all for being here. :)

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