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So Joey can Fly! Spock ha-ha


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Greetings, Spock here...well, it has been an exciting few weeks. I have discovered that I can play mind games with Jay and I don't even need to do a Vulcan Mind-Meld. In fact, yesterday, I heard Jay yelling Joey's name (Joey decided he would take advantage and fly off while Jay was gone from the room). I heard the concern in his voice and thought I would play a little joke. When he came down the hall, I stared down at the bed and made noises like Joey was in here with me. When Jay started looking around, I kept staring like he was on the floor next to the bed. It was all I could do not to snicker as Jay got on his hands and knees to look under the bed too. I soon tired of that joke and when Jay left to look for Joey in the other room, I just sat there with a birdie grin on my face.

When I saw that Joey flew into the kitchen, I decided to join the fun and perched myself on my favorite stand (Jay's head). I don't think he always likes it though because sometimes he says words that I have heard Maggie tell him not to say so I won't repeat them. (I like those words though...they sound like lots of fun!! I hear Buddy say them every once in a while too)

I have learned quite a few new words and phrases. I love to stand on the bathroom or bedroom doors and try them all out. That is one of my favorite times of the day...the others are playing or taking a nap, the house is quiet and I can hear myself talk.

I can't wait for Joey to start flying all over the house. It will be so much fun to chase each other around. When Maggie talks to Jay about it, she shivers...I know she is so excited too!

We have some new and exotic foods lately and they are fun to eat and play with. I like to take a bite of the little yellow things, brown things and green things (yellow split peas, lentils and green split peas) and I can throw them too...Joey, Salsa and I all eat from a big plate at the same time. Sometimes I try to fight Joey while we eat but Maggie just takes me away (I can't have any fun!) so I just fly over to Joey's food dish to snack on his seeds.

Tango, the big white bird, likes to climb over to Salsa's cage and play with her toys and then she climbs over and eats out of my bird seeds. We all like to share...Ooops! Got to go...I don't want Jay to see what I did with the fun little rubber toy things at the top of the computer....AAAAWWWKKKK...

Spock!! Spit it out and give it back to me...Dang it Spock...

Spock (and Maggie)


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Oh Spock, poor Jay & Maggie's lives aren't going to be too quiet when you two get going round the house!! You are such a little stinker! Mind you, I would watch that big white thing - they are bigger and bossier than you - keep an eye out! Great action shot of you and Joey though - great to see you getting on so well.

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Good on you Spock - you can't let Joey have all the limelight!! So he can fly! It's what birds do isn't it? Geez - it's not like he's doing loop the loops or anything! (is he!!!!?)

Anyway - keep up the good work - loved your little joke, it's given me an idea............

I stand on top of the doors to go through my repertoire too, great minds think alike!!

Bye for now.



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Spock, you are being a bad boy but hey good boys have no fun besides when Jay turns his back on you for a moment you are smart enough to pull the wool over his eyes, maybe he will think twice before doing that again. Who needs mind melds, Spock rules.

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