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Feather Thickness?


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Before I start, I'm not overly worried, but yesterday Harvey was sitting on his tree and giving me kisses etc. I started blowing on him (he loves it) and blew on his chest, at the level of his keel. I got the shock of my life! The feathers parted and revealed a good centimetre gap on either side of his keel.


When he is sitting "normally" his chest is fully covered, great condition, with no sign of feather loss - but I have never noticed how "thin on the ground" the feathers on Harvey's chest are.


Is this usual? I have noticed quite a lot of "grey" feathers recently, but just thought these were a moult. Can you all just please nip over and blow on the chest of you grey and let me know what you find!!!

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Josey isn't too keen on me blowing on her as she doesn't enjoy it but I did look and I don't see a gap of no feathers on her keel but I might not have looked that closely. If it looks ok otherwise then I wouldn't worry about it.


It kind of seems to me that they don't have any feathers right on the keel bone area, the feathers on either side sort of come over and cover that area and makes it look like it is feathered but someone can correct me if I am wrong.

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I won't blow on Dayo, he would probably fly right into my face and clamp down on my nose. He is just too damn fast and looks for a good reason in his mind that I should be punished. :P


But, he did take a good bath Sunday and as he was sitting up preening I looked at his breast area. It was drenched and I too was shocked at the bald spots. But, he has been molting those size feathers like rain drops for the last 2 weeks. So I suspect it is from that. I did see quite a few pins about a quarter inch long coming in.

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