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Indy Is Plucking


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I am really worried about Indy my CAG. She is 3 years old now and over the last few days we have noticed that she has started plucking her feathers. It's a small area at the top of her back but we are finding lots of feathers at the bottom of her sleeping cage.


Her routine has not changed and we have only noticed the feather in last 2-3 days. Her diet is very good with harrisons and plenty of fresh veg and is very vocal. She is quite high strung and it's difficult for us to get her to relax (she is scared of everything) though we do what we can to ensure that we slowly introduce her to new things and has a variety of toys. She spends the evenings with outside with us as we are home and spends weekends outside with us too.


During the day she has Ice for company and the radio on, the room she is in gets plenty of sunlight too.


Can anyone help? We will be taking her to the vet for a check up but wanted to find out if anyone had any ideas or could help. We are now bathing her everyday so we can keep her skin moist and hydrated too.


Sorry for long post.


Any advice is welcome.

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It sounds like you are taking all the right steps.


Does Indy actually have a small bald spot now in that back area? Are you also misting with Aloe Juice?


I don't know about others Greys right now, but Dayo has been molting out a ton of feathers over the last 2 weeks.

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I am sorry to hear of Indy's plucking but you said nothing has changed recently to cause this, I think you need to rethink this very carefully as most of the time something caused her to pluck if that is what she is really doing.


You might not have noticed any change but it might be so small that you have not paid it any mind but Indy did, I know for Josey is somewhat the same way in that she is scared of everything.


It does sound like you are doing all the right things but it could be something so subtle that is causing her stress if she is plucking, maybe she is just going thru a heavy molt.


Stay in touch as you haven't been on lately and let us know how it goes with her.

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I am back with an update, so she is not plucking her feathers but fluff underneather her feather (dander) and she seems to be doing it at night only which is quite unusual. I have already taken her to the vet for a full check up and he has said that she is in very good condition. Has anyone heard of birds plucking in this way.


Dan & Judy - Thank you for your advice, the only thing I did notice is that when she started with this the day was quite warm and I am thinking maybe she was too hot?


The plucking as reduced but she is still doing it and I dont want to it to get to a stage where its not manageable.

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What' you're seeing in the evening is your bird pulling out the feathers that have just died. Most of the time they simply fall off or are shaken off but many birds help that process along by pulling on them. For birds, molting is not a nice time. Many are uncomfortable and sometimes moody. What's happening with your bird in the evening could be happening in the morning with another bird. Both serve the same purpose. New feathers are coming in and the skin is flaky and dry which makes a bird pull the feathers. What she's doing right now can't be classified as *plucking*. It's *molting*.


As far as your other problem in that certain spot, there may be an abrasion or irritation or excessively dry skin which is making her do that. If you can hold her or have another person help you, try to check out that area. The area may need an ointment. The best ointment to use for that problem plus scaly feet plus minor cuts on a bird is a product called ALOE VERA GEL. Put dabs on that bald area. It's soothing and sinks right into the skin. It's not toxic. It can be purchased at pharmacies. Repeat the process 2x a week.

Edited by Dave007
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