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Hi all, I've been lurking here occasionally since I got Kito back in October. She was 3 weeks old and the first parrot I hand raised. I have raised and released several different wild birds that were rescued by myself and others. My other bird friends have been ducks, parakeets, and a jenday. I also have a yorkie-poo, a tuxedo cat, a reef aquarium, and an arabian horse.


Anyway, Kito (which means jem in Swahili) will be 7 months old on Tuesday. She will still let me cuddle her but usually only when she's sleepy. We "wrestle" on the floor and play fight sometimes and she is good about biting gentle 99% of the time. She enjoys hanging upside down and beating the crap out of her toys while making that awful growly screechy noise. Funny! She immitates the dog, the microwave, any clunking noise, does the wolf whistle and "hey you" whistle and lots of other noises.


Kito will let my teenage son handle her as long as he has a treat. She will wave, shake hands, and turn around for anyone, but only gives me kisses. I can file her nails with a dremmel while she sits on her t-stand. She tollerates sink showers. Our bay window was covered in sticky notes for several weeks as she was learning to fly. Now we are down to one in the upper middle as a reminder. I cannot bring myself to clip her wings, I think it would break both our hearts.


Whew, I guess that's quite the intro, thanks for reading!

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Hello Malikah and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Kito.


She sounds like an absolute delight to have and you are finding out that as she matures they get a little less cuddly, she will likely become more independent as she gets older as most do.


Has she actually said any words yet? My grey did not talk until she was a year of age, she mastered the wolf whistle right off and other household sounds but then she talked and now she says many words and phrases.


Thats great that she will allow you to dremmel her nails, wish my Josey would do that and hers are right sharp now.


Please do not clip her wings, birds were meant to fly and you will find that a lot of the members here are passionate about not clipping. You have done the right thing to leave something visible on the window she she knows it is there.


Do read thru the many threads for lots of information and ideas and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Kito you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi Malikah, welcome to you and Kito! My grey has just recently begun to fly after being clipped by her breeder. She is delighted to finally have her wings and so am I for her. I so love to watch her fly!!! From your Avatar it is easy to see that you did a great job of feeding and weaning Kito. I can't wait to hear more about her and see some more pictures! Welcome to the forum family!!

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Welcome Malikah and Kito!!


It's GreYt having you here and thanks for such a nice introduction. Kito sounds like a healthy young strapping Grey learning many skills and having new encounters with toys.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos and videos when you get a chance. :-)

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Welcome to both of you! I too was a lurker for a few months and I was never going to join a forum (they are for dweebs) but this lot were sooooooo welcoming and lovely that I took a deep breath and joined too!


I have to say it is the best thing I have done in order to help me bring up Harvey. You can't do it alone (as proved in all of the adverts selling greys) and the words of utmost encouragement and friendliness from all involved here is central to Harvey's wellbeing (and my psychiatric state at times)!!!


I can't wait to hear more about you and your family, and also obviously Kito ;)

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Thank you all for the warm welcome :) I do have a couple of baby videos on youtube.


And a few pictures on facebook at


I have been lazy about posting new pictures, so I guess I better go do that right now!<br><br>Post edited by: Malikah, at: 2010/04/11 18:05

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I checked out your videos and pictures on facebook, she is very cute and yes we would love to see some more recent photos of her if you can manage that, she looks adorable.


There are some very nice looking clings you can purchase for windows to keep your bird from flying into it thinking it is open, I tried to find the one that a member put up and it looked very nice, it was like etched glass.

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