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Dan with 10,000+ posts


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I want to congratulate Dan, our forum admin on passing the 10,000 post mark, he is the 3rd person to do so and it is quite an accomplishment.


Dan has been a member here since June 2007 and he has given countless hours of his time to help other members with problems they may be having or to interject some humor to get a thread going back on track. I know I can count on him for advice and if he doesn't know the answer he will go find it for you.


We are so lucky to have someone like him here going to bat for us and I am proud to count him as a good friend, love you Dan.:) B)

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Dan is a what the forum is all about...His words can always be counted on. He says what needs to be said even if it's not what we want to hear, and with a smile to boot!;) Our Friend...

Jayd and Maggie


Kudos Judy for this post..<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/11 03:31

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Congratulations Dan :kiss:


I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts about your life with Dayo, and read implicitly any instruction you choose to give to help Harvey on his road to health and happiness.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart ~ here's to the next 10,000!!!

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