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I've got a fat thumb!


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Well, Harvey's stubborn streak continues. It has been an absolutely beautiful day here (best this year) and I was in the garden. Of course my thoughts, as usual, turned towards Harvey. He was stuck in his cage in the house.


I have tried now for the last few weeks to re-introduce the Aviator to Harvey, to no avail - today being the worst experience ever!


He sat on the back of the chair and I slipped the harness over his wings and then he pounced. He bit, big style, into the soft bit of my inner thumb, and nearly ripped it clear of my finger. I still didn't react, other than actually having to physically shake him off - he was clamped on and meaning it.


My thumb is now double it's usual size, and throbbing. I'm not sure whether to ever try it again - it's not worth the stress for either of us :(

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Aww, Jill, that is really harsh! Harvey is really being a little bugger eh? I've been battling Paco to reintroduce him to the Harness as well, and I think it's only by luck that I haven't had a bit like you just got.


I got it on him yesterday, but it left me soaked in sweat, and him holding his feathers flat against his head until we got outside. He was seriously choked at me until he got into a tree, then he was a happy camper.


I don't know if going back to the video and starting from scratch would help, but I don't blame you for not wanting to try again. If only Harvey knew what he'd be missing out on.

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Ouch Jill!!!! I have two wire travel cages for my fids. I just pop them into them and take them out in the sun. I can mist them and get them soaked and they can dry in the sunlight. Ana Grey and Sully both seen to love it and talk up a storm. Of course I'm sure Ana Grey will find her crow voice again and I'm not looking forward to that!!!

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Ouch! You did so much better than I did with my most recent bite and all I have are two tiny little punctures. I have not even dared yet to try the harness. Harvey seemed to enjoy it so much last year. He may just be going through a trying time and in no time decide he doesn't like watching your back go out the door to sit in the garden without him. Hope your thumb feels better soon.

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Thanks everyone! Dee - you have reiterated exactly what Michael said. He reckons that once he realises we are outside having fun that he will think over his new found situation and perhaps remember the lovely harness that enabled his freedom last summer - fingers crossed it comes true!

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Sorry to hear about your thumb Jill. My feeling would be to forget about the harness when his is going through this streak - trying it when he's feeling like that won't lead to anything good. Alfie is resisting hers again, but then she's moulting at the minute and I think it could be hurting her lying against her little pin feathers - she came to the beach with us today in her carrier. I'll try her again in a month or so.

Hope your thumb is better soon - that sounds like a sore one.

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