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Flighted Sidekick Question


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So Issac is a pretty sweet bird. He loves to hang out on my shoulder like...all of the time. I actually am loving this quite a bit and hardly ever mind if he is in on what ever it is I am doing. But I want to know from the forum members how you handle certain situations:


1) Say you have someone coming over who is not so relaxed about having a bird flying to them? Is your bird just compliant to stay on his perch, can you actually train this with a flighted bird?


2) If I am working on the computer (lol this can be a big one) he loves nothing more that to try and help me type. Do they ever tire of this. LOL...I kind of laugh now, but if I am trying to do some work, it can try my patience.


I sometimes see very compliant birds that stay where they are put seemingly endlessly. Is this just characteristic of those that are clipped? I must add that sometimes he just wants to stay on his play area, usually when I have settled down. Or sometimes it seems that if I return him to the cage enough, he just stays there. I don't know if it's that he is giving up, or he just suddenly decides that he wants to play on his cage at that time. Either way...it can take some drilling to get him to stay when he needs to.


So just some curiosities. Thanks for any comments. IMG_1067.JPG


Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/09 22:26<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/09 22:29


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Good questions!


Question 1)

My experience is that my greys tend to know when someone is apprehensive about them and they tend to naturally stay away. Your observation of Isaac staying in his cage is partially a trained response. By consistent, repetitive routine you have trained Isaac when it is time to stay somewhere, such as his cage. The same can be done for any location.


You can easily train a bird to stay until given permission, the same as you train a dog to "stay." Combine that training with coming ("fly") on command, and you've got a happy bird.


Flighted or not, train Isaac to have boundaries and available commands so he knows what he can do and when.


Question 2)

Unfortunately, computer keyboards are really tough as they just beg our buddies to come a play! Key clicks, little parts, and the fact that we are playing with them piques their interest. This is where repeated and consistent behaviour is needed. Train in the same manner as above and set clear boundaries of what Isaac can play with.


Again, just think "stay"


One question seems to be in there but isn't explicitly asked - it concerns flighted or not. What you describe has no bearing on Isaac's ability to fly or not. He still needs proper training.



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