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Point Blank Refusal Part Deux!


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Right, we've had "biting" point blank refusal - what about "I'll pretend I'm stuffed and not move". This was last night at bed time!


I said "Come on Harvey, birdie byes" and he was sat on his tree and didn't move. I went across to him, asked him to step up and he didn't budge a muscle. I stroked him, I picked at his talons, I kissed him, but still he wouldn't move!


What was funnier was, Michael even stroked him and tickled him (which Harvey doesn't allow EVER) and he didn't move! It was just like the local taxidermist had moved in!


Well, I prefer it to the biting, that's all I will say! The problem was, I couldn't stop laughing - and it wasn't helping matters!!!

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Gosh they are too funny. Issac gave me another run around this morning when I had to leave for work today. I chased him around his atom for a good 3 minutes. I get one foot, and he clings harder, then I get both feet...but....his beak catches comething...then while I am unlatching the beak...he gets a foot free....repeat. He won't win though darn it! I think he knows once I start chopping vegetables, that I am takin off for a while. My mornings are very patterned and he recognizes the various steps leading up to being caged. And I gave him tons of out-time yesterday...little bugger!

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Oh I know I shouldn't have laughed, but as Lyn describes it was exactly the "and your hand is there for what reason" look, he was just like an indignant toddler!


It was just so hilarious that he was clever enough to change tact and decide that biting didn't work anymore, so let's move on.....!


Hopefully episode three of this saga will be that Harvey took himself off to his cage and closed the door behind him......NO FLAMING CHANCE!!!

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Oh the many faces of Harvey. It is way funnier when it is happening to someone else trying to chase down their bird. It was vexing when Java was going through this phase and now she is an angel at bed time and asks to go night night with her evening almond. Turning to stone to avoid bedtime, that is a new one! He will be playing poker before you know it with that kind of self control.

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