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Slow wing / feather growth


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Hi, how are you guys? I need help, my Timneh Grey is 1 year old now, his wings was clipped the wrong way by petshop when he was 2 months old, since then, the feathers is hardly growing back, the vet doesn't have an answer, is it a lack of something? He has been hurting himself because he can't even glide, how can we make feathers grow normal speed?

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Peyperj he will have to shed those trimmed feathers before he can grow new ones. When his body is ready to molt those feathers then you will see the new ones emerging. The only way to speed up that process is to have them removed witch is painful and can break a wing so I do NOT recommend it. Perhaps you can pad some areas where he hangs out to soften his landings until nature replaces those flight feathers.

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When you say the vet doesn't have an answer, does he/she indicate whether there's a problem or not? (IE, does he/she think the feathers are not regrowing properly?)


In the wild, greys will usually molt twice a year, but in captivity, the molting cycle can be interrupted completely. It can take two or three molts before the feathers are replaced. Most birds will inevitably break a feather or two during this time, making the replacement time longer.


Give your grey a means to climb up and down from things to eliminate the need to jump/fall (fail to fly), such as a ladder, rope or blanket. Patience and know it will be a long process to have new feathers grow.

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I agree, put knotted ropes for your grey to climb up on. Before my grey could fly she was always jumping off of her cage so I hung knotted ropes from her cage, from her ceiling perches and boings and she was able to walk and then climb up. Ana Grey was clipped when I got her at about 4 months old and it took a year before her feathers grew in so she could fly. So be patient it will happen. The one nice thing is that she now flies to the boings and perches I have around the house for her and she is not interested in my woodwork or cabinets. She already has her designated landing places.

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Peyperj, I'm in the same boat, I have a 10 month old CAG that had a brutal clip before I got him. I'm just waiting it out. I'm hoping for some new feathers by Sept/Oct, it sounds like you are a couple of months ahead of me. Sit back and be patient I guess. We must accept "parrot time" which doesn't seem to move very fast!

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