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On top of the Fridgie....... Emma..


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Awe, That is very sweet...She probably feels like she is WAY up high in a big tree lol


What a sweetie pie she is! Thanks for sharing.


Oh wait I was going to ask, I would love to have Calypso unclipped so she could fly. That was always my plan...And at about 11 weeks ahe started flying, and it was great, But then she started flying into things, like the back glass door and stuff, And finally I decided it was best to clip her wings, cuz she flew into the back door so hard one day I was afraid to go get her, I thought she would be dead, She was ok but had a red blood mark above her eye, I freaked and decided it would be best to give her a light clip. She can still flutter, just not fly around...So How do you manage having emma fully flighted? I always worry about hot stoves and stuff like that too. Any advice?

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{Feel-good-00020114}JungleDreamz wrote:

Awe, That is very sweet...She probably feels like she is WAY up high in a big tree lol


What a sweetie pie she is! Thanks for sharing.


Oh wait I was going to ask, I would love to have Calypso unclipped so she could fly. That was always my plan...And at about 11 weeks ahe started flying, and it was great, But then she started flying into things, like the back glass door and stuff, And finally I decided it was best to clip her wings, cuz she flew into the back door so hard one day I was afraid to go get her, I thought she would be dead, She was ok but had a red blood mark above her eye, I freaked and decided it would be best to give her a light clip. She can still flutter, just not fly around...So How do you manage having emma fully flighted? I always worry about hot stoves and stuff like that too. Any advice?



Here's my opinion. Having a flighted parrot really takes alot of mindfulness and alertness on the part of the parront. You'd really have to birdproof your home as much as possible. Similar to the way one would "childproof" their home with young children. Learning all of this often comes with time and experience. Emma has been flying since November 2009 and I must say that she's never experienced a crash landing. Before November 2009 she would only fly when startled and somehow always managed to land on my outstretched arm. I never encouraged or discouraged any flying in my home, and then one day she decided she enjoyed flying.


It is quite normal for many parrots to have alot of crash landings in the beginning while they are *learning* their flying skills and strengthening their muscles.

The only thing we can do is create a safe environment so that they don't harm themselves. Personally, I am very conscientious of the air space in my home so that my parrots can fly with very little obtstacles in their way.


When the stove is on she is usually safely tucked away in her cage. Today Emma can fly much more efficiently, where as in the beginning there was a lot of wing flapping just to get from point A to point B.{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2010/04/09 23:39

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JungleDreamz wrote:

But then she started flying into things, like the back glass door and stuff, And finally I decided it was best to clip her wings, cuz she flew into the back door so hard one day I was afraid to go get her, I thought she would be dead, She was ok but had a red blood mark above her eye, I freaked and decided it would be best to give her a light clip. She can still flutter, just not fly around... Any advice?


There are gonna be some crash landings when they are first learning to fly, that is to be expected but you can do more to lessen the chances that Calypso will hurt herself by putting static clings to your glass windows and doors.

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We got some really really cheap paper blinds on ebay that are meant to be temporary. They stick up with adhesive (nothing toxic - like an envelope that self sticks). So my plan is to introduce Hawkins to the window after he has learned what is safe to perch on in the and what is not. From there, I will show him the windows and show him they are hard. I will gradually cut off the bottom of the blinds and use some decals or stickies on the windows until I know for sure Hawkins understands that there is a wall there.


I have no idea if that will work but that is the steps I have taken to make it safe for him to fly in the house and not crash into a window or mirror.


I am not an expert but I have poured over these forums and others for months and months and this is what I came up with for my family and my bird.


Since you clipped his wings, he may need to relearn to fly. For that you will need to pour over these forums for yourself as I haven't studied that in much detail and can't point you towards a link or a person. I know they are here though. This place is full of highly knowledgeable people.

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