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How Lucky Are All of You!!

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On Saturday Harvey and I will have been "official" forum members for a whole year! I did lurk for a bit before hand (I'd never joined a forum before - they are for freaks)!


What I find remarkable is that I've stuck in here for a year! I have made some really good friends (and really good enemies). I have laughed with you, laughed at you and cried at some of the stories we have shared, but also glowed with some of the tales that have been told.


Most of all, you are my comfort blanket. I know that there will be someone around 24/7 if I ever need any help.


So, from Harvey and me - A BIG THANK YOU - just for putting up with us so long!! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/04/08 20:32

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Ah that's really nice Jill. Congratulations on your first year with the Forum. And from one freak to another (meant in the nicest possible way!!!) I for one am glad you joined - you are a welcome addition to the forum. You're actually quite funny sometimes!! :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:

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Oh my Gosh, a whole year of Jill!!!! Time just flew by!!! FunnyClock.gif



1sm056pullhair.gifand we all survived!!!!!1sm056pullhair.gif


Strangers pull out their hair at the mention of "Jill" HAIRPULLING.jpg


Unfortunately because of the large sums of money the forum gets anonymously we have reluctantly accepted your responsibility for the time being.


img83.gif to the forum for surviving Jill!!!


Truthfully Jill, I'm glad you are here, you make me laugh all the time!!!




So where's the party!!!!

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Gosh Jill, you have only been here a year, it will be three years for me in May, my how the time flies when you are having fun!


I am so glad you did join us and hope you stay for a long, long time, you bring a sense of humor that makes me laugh while being outspoken about a lot of things which has landed you in hot water more than once.:whistle: :S :laugh:


Thanks for being here with us.:cheer:

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judygram wrote:

while being outspoken about a lot of things which has landed you in hot water more than once.:whistle: :S :laugh:


Ah, but who is still here and who isn't eh???!!!! ;) I think I've been the winner in my battles (although of course, it's the taking part that really counts)!!! :laugh:


Well, a full year later - the grey hairs are starting to appear, I now have crows lines around my eyes - so cheers to the botox and hair dye I shall shortly be resorting to (thanks to a bird)!!! ;)

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We are all very "Lucky" to have such active Forum members as you Jill!!! :-)


The year has passed by quickly and I have always enjoyed your posts of humor, mutiny, wackiness and of course you just being you. :P


Iron sharpens Iron, and I must say you have kept us all sharp enough to slice paper. :-)


Don't ever change!!!

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