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will he always pluck.


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As you know Charlie has a feather follical infection that has caused him to pluck.He is being treated with anti biotics and pain killers.My worry now is that he will now always pluck because of this. He is on medication long time and I am doing my best to keep him entertained to keep his mind away from his feathers.He is out in the aviary at the moment getting some much needed sun shine. He has also gone right off having a bath which he loved. I am guessing his skin may be tender. He will not tollerate aloe vera anywhere near him,as mad as it sounds it seems to sting him so its plain water only.If any one has any advise or ideas please chime in.I need them all lol.

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Read the label on your aloe vera does it contain anything besides the aloe vera juice? You might try to find some George's aloe Vera Juice it is very pure and may not cause any reactions at all, it looks like water. That question can only be answered by time passing although your Vet may have some insight based on history treating the same issues. Some birds seem to come out of it with full feathers and some will always pluck. I have seen both results and it may be influenced by how long this has been an active behavior if it has become entrenched into his mind. The ability to regrow them is dependent on the health of his feather follicles, if they are able to still produce and have not shut down production due to damage. i think that your guy has a chance to look pretty normal if all goes as planned, I hope so for your peace of mind.

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Sheila, knowing how will you care for Charlie and all the vet visits you've been through. I know I have nothing to add.


Greywings suggestion of misting with Aloe Juice maybe be the only soothing thing you can get on Charlies skin if you can raise the feather in that area to get them soaked.


I know you are aware a Aloe Juice and probably already use it. But, it is an excellent alternative.


Also, stay on the positive side as much as you can. You know how these Greys pick up on our apprehension and nervousness. :-)

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Thanks everyone.I think really it is a case of clearing the infection first and for most and then see what happens. The vet did say it would be a long job.I use the aloe juice it is the pure aloe with nothing added.He just wont tollerate it. He looks quite shabby at the moment but some of that is due to a natural moult.He has his next vet visit on the 16 of April. Thanks again.

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How long has Charlie been plucking? I adopted a 28 year old B&G Macaw who just clipped, rather than pluck, her feathers for over 10 years. From showering her at least daily, allowing foraging opportunities and training her (commands and such), she is growing a few (8) feathers back on her tummy. Hopefully more feathers will grow back, but I was told that she would always be a naked bird due to how long she has plucked. Although, I highly doubt she will be a fully feathered bird, things are looking better for her. I'm assuming Charlie hasn't been plucking for more than a few months (hopefully) and as long as you work with him and continue to give him mental exercise there is a good chance you will see the plucking decrease or stop after the treatment ends. There is also the advantage that he's plucking out of discomfort, rather than boredom, so it should be easier (not saying easy!) to get him to stop the habit.

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On the left, look for PLUCKING/SCREAMING---click on it


Third picture from left ( spray and jar in picture) click on it


there's 3 choices

1---premixed bottle

2--small jar, powder in it (8 oz)

3--large jar, powder in it (16 oz)


Get either 8 oz or 16 oz jar with powder in it. Stay away from premixed bottle


1 rounded teaspoon powder to 8 oz room temp water in a sprayer. Heavily soak your bird down to the skin once a day. If any remains in the sprayer, use it on any other birds sitting around( if you have any). Discard what remains at the end of the day. Use it every day even though your bird squawks. If it's pretty easy to soak skin your bird doesn't need to be heavily blasted.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/04/09 00:01

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I have purchased the feathers-in for my ekkie (thanks again Dr. Flock) and it certainly seems to be helping him a lot. I have great hopes that he will stop plucking (and it seems he has) I have had Sully for just a year and some feathers have come back. He has been a chronic plucker for many years I understand so I continue to keep my fingers crossed.

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Shelia, Beau was completely naked on his chest and destroyed his wing due to plucking and vet visits didn't confirm anything specific in his follicles or skin. It was recommended that I mist him twice daily which I have been diligent in doing. Along with regular water, I also used the feather in from avian.tech as recommended by Dave and the aloe juice - alternating them daily for one misting and then plain water for the second misting. It has made the world of difference in Beau. He still plucks a little - but not to the extreme of completely naked and flights are coming in on his right wing. It has been a long and difficult road for Beau but I'm sure your commitment to Charlie will prove beneficial. The only real set back I saw in Beau was when I was sick for 5 days and he didn't get his twice daily misting and it was in the dead of winter with extremely dry conditions in the house (we've since added a humidifier to the bird room).





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This looks like a brilliant product.The only concern I have with using it is that Charlie has some open wounds on his skin from chewing,not many only about 3 but it would worry me putting this on such delicate skin that still has infection. It looks like I may hang on till all the infection goes and then use it to stop any further plucking,the vet has said plain water only for baths.It looks a really good product though and with all your recomendations it is one I will try when his skin heals a bit. Thanks.

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