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Pepper gave me a fat lip


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i went to give him a kiss. and really it was my own fault, i ignored the sign he gave me[i didnt think about it until after]


needless to say -- he bit my lip and wasn't letting go. after what seemed like forever I got him off me and soaked my shirt with blood.


it hurt soo bad. and mostly scared the crap out of me.


I didnt get any "im sorry" like someone else on here did lol. it wasnt his fault though. i shouldnt have put him that close to my face;)


dont know why im sharing this. maybe everyone can laugh at the silly girl with a fat lip from her parrot?! the kid im a nanny for thought it was funny.

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:whistle: I'm so sorry Brittany but yes when you ignore the warning sign then you asked for it, no I am not laughing at your expense but you have to admit it is a good lesson, I bet you won't do that again.


I'll give you some karma if you post a picture of your fat lip!;):P

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Sorry to hear that you got a bite from Pepper, Brittany. I only offer Ana Grey my cheek for a kiss, just because I am afraid she might be in a difficult mood. I hope your lip will heal quickly with no scarring. Karma and thank you for the reminder that our greys are unpredictable. Feel better soon.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/04/10 08:22

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Brittany, in solidarity, here's a picture of a bite Dorian gave me a few months ago. I didn't share it at the time, but wanted to let you know you're not alone:unsure:



Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2010/04/08 06:45<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2010/04/08 06:49

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Appreciate your sharing your judgment error that takes courage and it may save some one else from making the same mistake. Also our mouths carry bacteria that can make our birds quite sick so I would suggest that if you feel the need to kiss your Grey (or other Parrot) you do so upon the top of the head instead. A safer approach for both bird and human.

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I know how it feels and the fear it inflicts. I've made that mistake a few times and fortunatley there was just a little blood letting, compared to serious bite requiring stitches.


I do carry Dayo on my shoulder everywhere and at times give him kisses. But, only from above to the top of his beak at times. However, even this is dangerous as we all know how fast they are.


It's a risk I take and do not reccomend anyone else do so unless you trust your bird is calm, he is not too young and you know his body language so well it's almost ESP.


Still, the riskh of a serious bite ALWAYS exists, no matter how much you trust your bird.


GreYt advice Sheila, Greywings, Janet and Judy.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/04/08 16:26

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I'll relate the circumstances around the bite I received. Dorian and I have a sweet bedtime routine. I tell him it's time for 'nite-nites', and he climbs to a perch near his door and puts his head down for scratches. Like a little kid asking for 'one more story', he seems to know I can't resist that little grey head:). I scratch for a few seconds, then he pulls away, shakes his tail, preens for a few secs, then puts his head back down for the next round. One night I was soooo tired and dead on my feet, and while he preened I rested my head against the bar across the top of his doorway and closed my eyes. One minute he was preening away, and the next he lunged out and bit me on the lip. All I can think of as a reason is maybe he didn't like my head so close to him (since, knowing how skittish he is, I always keep him away from my face). Needless to say, no more closing my eyes around him. The bite was so deep it actually changed my lip line a little.

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Pepper usually doesnt mind the kisses, and sometimes would even seem to give me one back.


But like I said totally my fault. But I must say no more beak kisses LOL I do still do the head kisses though.


Plus im not Paul, and Pepper doesnt love me as much as Paul. ;) I get bit more often than he does.




lol heres my lip. its gone down a little bit.

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Ouch on any bites, but double ouch on those lip bites. They look painful. I don't even want to imagine it. I am sure it was quite a shock. I'm sorry for your unfortunate experience, but the photos will stick in my mind in the event I every forget that having them close to our face isn't a good idea. Thanks for the reminder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh man i think i posted about a year ago when merlin gave mamma a fat lip.

i don't know who was more damaged - me or him for having a howling flapping mamma whilst he was hanging from my lip not knowing what to do next.

i learned a valuable lesson that day. i think he did too.

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