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Ok so I am a little embarassed about this question, Ok REALLY embarassed...But here it goes, WHAT exactly is a PALM NUT...I mean, What kind of palm are you getting the "nuts" from. There are so many differant palms that produce a sort of "fruit" or "nut"


And has anyone know if you can feed your birds the "fruit" from a queen palm It is small and orange and I googled it and cant really find anything. I broke one open and it smells sort of like mango.

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YOu got it right. It is the fruit (nut:seed inside). In Africa, the Red Palm is what they dine on.


Queen Palm fruit:nut is fine as well. Just make sure you give them a good cleaning and freeze what you won't use before thoey spoil.


They strip off and eat the flesh, then leave the seed:nut.

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Red palm nuts are not available in the united states. Other types might be but mostly from local people who have palm trees. I would be leery of most of the trees in Southern California though as they are mostly ornamental and are thus sprayed heavily to keep them bug free.

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Thanks everyone! So the palm tree they come from is called a Red Palm? So it isnt just a "nut" from ANY palm tree, But that ONE in particular? Am I getting this right? lol


And your ultra positive Dan that I can give her queen palm fruit? I am just so paranoid, lol I can never be too sure! :blush:


This is the link to the exact tree I am talking about, Abd I read it, and I know it says its fruits are edible and sought after by birds...But I know Greys are differant, so I just wanted to make sure! I feel like such a silly one, lol Anyway, here is the link...



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JungleDreamz wrote:

So it isnt just a "nut" from ANY palm tree, But that ONE in particular? Am I getting this right? lol


That's right! Because a big, brown hairy nut from a palm tree is a COCONUT! Our greys will NEVER crack those ones!!! :laugh:


Palm nuts, in the parrot sense, are the fruit of the African oil palm (Elaesis guineensis), which grows throughout tropical Africa. Palm nuts are not much bigger than grapes and grow in large bunches. They are orange-red in color, and their pulp and oil give a distinctive color and taste to many African soups and stews. Palm oil is to tropical African cooking what olive oil is to Mediterranean cooking and butter is to northern European cooking.


So - it's an integral part of the African cooking world, not just the staple diet of the grey. Hope this helps ;)

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JungleDreamz wrote:

And your ultra positive Dan that I can give her queen palm fruit? I am just so paranoid, lol I can never be too sure! :blush:


Yes, the Queen Palm fruit is fine. I feed them to my birds. Rinse the Palm fruit in a vinegar water solution and use a vegetable brush to take off anything residual on it. Then, freeze what you will not use with in a week.


Your paranoia is well founded when it comes to feeding anything to your birds. I believe we are all that way. :-)

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