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Post a Video, get Karmas!!!


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B) OK!!!, Post a *Video* of yours or one off the net of a Amazon, and get 5 Karmas!!!!:laugh: This is open to everyone, after all, this reason we're on the grey forums is because of our love for birds!!!!:)



Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/06 23:35<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/07 15:50

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Spock wrote:

:dry: :laugh: Even though Jay won't give me any karmas...I thought I would post my favorite videos that I have found for your entertainment...Maggie


Hey Ref! That's not fair! Maggie & Spock need their karma! Come on Jay :laugh:


What about this one:




Ha Ha! Obviously puts her own words in!!<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/04/07 19:45

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WOW!!! Another must-see video...I would be too afraid to let ours out without a harness. It is hard enough to teach them to fly in the house, much less fly outside :P Thanks Dave...Karmas to you

Jayd<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/08 00:21

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Glad you enjoyed it. I get videos from someone I know in Germany who owns 2 blue fronted zons. They're free all the time. They've already had 3 clutches in the trees nearby. They're beautiful birds. He can recall them any time he wants. Everyday he releases them into the backyard which is actually a forest. They soar all over the place until you can't even see them. Both of them hang out in the trees about 60 ft from his house. They come back when it's feeding time and sleep time. The birds are about 14 yrs old.

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He must share a special relationship with these two birds to be able to allow them to free fly wherever they want and come back when he calls them, he has obviously spent a lot of time with them and they trust him implicitly, how wonderful for him.

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You're welcome but anytime I post these things, I make it a point that I always tell people not to try it. These birds are out from about 6 AM to about 7 PM and I made a mistake before about something---he doesn't let them out. They have their own section ( opening) where they leave when they want to and come back when they want to unless the guy actually recalls them for any specific reasons. They don't live in any cages. They live in the roof attic.

If I come across those videos, I'll post them but since my PC got seriously messed up about 6 mts ago, they were misplaced as was many other things. To this day I'm still trying to recover many things.

You're right--it's what dreams are made of.

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