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Issac Week 20


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So my baby is still being as sweet and cuddly as ever. I suppose one of the most significant things happened yesterday with the earthquake close to San Diego here. I was out at te Wild Animal Park with my daughter and totally didn't even notice it somehow. However, when I came home to Issac, he certainly had. Shreadded paper was strewn all outside the cage, and he had a tiny red mark on his head above his eye. I imagine he must have totally freaked out and flew around the cage knocking him self a bit. I was so sad to have not been home to comfort him afterwards. I did come home and show him tons of love and kissed his little head when he appeared to hit it. Poor lil thing.


I also tried to get him into the Aviator harness on saturday. I had to give up...he would just not let me get the first part around his head. So I let him off the hook for now.


He loves to get tons of scratches when I lay down next to him. He seems to see my head laying down...so he puts his down for scratches right next to my face. I love it to death...feeling his little neck feathers on my nose.


He had tons of out time on Saturday while I did chores around the house and stuff.


The red palm oil seems to be liked. I made him a birdie omlette and some pasta with a bit on it. He liked the pasta a lot.


On a final note, this bird learns fast. When i have to leave for work, I usually pull some kind of trick like opening and closing the fridge or the microwave to get him to fly to me so I can get him back in his cage. I had about 4 or 5 different tactics in my bag. He learned the times I usually pull this and when they are genuine and will no longer fall for any of them. So I have to get out a bar stoll and climb up to his atom to get him down. Little rascal.


Stay tuned. Issac is growing up. IMG_1065-60d06d187149c91ba5a9fbdc8d4affdb.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/05 20:15


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Oh isnt is so fun watching all the new things with these little guys!


Sorry to hear about the quake...I am glad you and Issac are ok!


I have yet to have success with the harness too, So dont feel bad...Calypso acted like I was trying to murder her...Thats how I got my first bite ever actually! Cant blame them though, I mean what if that was someone coming up to you and trying to put some weird thing around your neck, lol...:ohmy: I Imagine it is so great once they finally get used to it though. I have read many a post on here where people have been ultra successful with them, I guess it just takes time :silly:


My calypso is still very very affectionate, And she is going to be 13 months on the 9th...So hopefully she will stay that way! And as far as Issac being sweet, He might stay that way forever too, You never know! I dont know if you do, But I always worry she is going to do the "favorite person" switch-a-roo on me, and hate me :S But so far so good ;)


Glad all is going well with your little baby!<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2010/04/05 20:24

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I don't think you'll get the old switcheroo. I live alone at the moment and only have a few visitors from time to time. So no one for him to switch to on me. Issac loves to investigate new people, but he has definitely taken to me big time. Even regurgitated on me at one point. I have no expectations for him to stay sweet and cuddly, but I have been known to have a special connection with animals...so who knows. I take every moment for what it is and enjoy. Thanks for reading.

IMG_1075.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/05 20:31


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Issac certainly is a good looking grey from the pictures you share, a mighty fine specimen.


He is really smart too and has you wrapped around his little talon, a quick study to learn your bag of tricks, better come up with some new ones but switch them around often so he doesn't know which is coming.


I heard about that earthquake and he must have been frightened by it but he seems to have weathered it pretty well but you can't be there every minute for him so don't fret about it.

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By the time I got home the panic seemed to have ended. He was more concerned that it was feeding time and making his little microwave beep sound. He did get lots of cuddles and kisses on his head. My heart so went out to him, because it was his first experience of this kind.

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Isaac is lovely to look at and even more entrancing to hear how well you are getting on with him. He has learned your habits well and will ever challenge your creativity to learn how to coax him into his cage when he knows you are leaving. I enjoy your posts and the pure adoration you have for him.

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I am glad my little continuing saga of how Issac is growing up is pleasent. Thank you for such kind words and for recognizing how much he means to me. He seems to be enjoying his stay with me as well. He is a real shoulder bird and loves to be there. Preening and watching what I do. Best behaved little bird so far.

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Great weekly update. I truly enjoy them.


They change so fast at that age, it is wonderful to live through this once again via your weekly posts.


As Issac grows in intelligence and wisdom. Caging him once he is let out in the morning will become more and more of a challenge.


I do not know how long he is out before you must go. But, around our home, if we know we are going to leave early, we no longer let him out. It is just too much drama to get him back in the cage that early in the day.


Once he's been out all day, it is much easier to put him back in what he considers his "Holding Cell". :P


Thanks for posting photos in your updates as well. I enjoy seeing his appearance slowly change as well. :-)

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On a typical day...he gets out for 1.5 hours in the morning, 1.5 after work, and then another 3 hours before bed time. On days where I don't have to go out after work, he can be out for up to 5 hours after work. He is basicly out whenever I am home so far.


There are times he will voluntarily climb into his cage...this only happens at night if he gets tired or he just wants to eat some food insode his cage. He will stay there no matter how long I leave the door open. I usually cover him by 10 or 11PM. Then he gets a good 9-10 hours of sleep.


I sure hope I can just keep it down to chasing him up to his atom. LOL. IMG_1054-cc557ce5c8cab378d5571048bb512208.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/06 22:45


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Oh I can see great chases in your and Issac's future, he is one smart cookie, you may have to pull out all the stops as time goes on.


I too love hearing about Issac and how you adore him, you are able to put in words how a lot of us feel so keep it up, we love it.

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Yep...he gave me good chase tonight before I left. Right now he has the little feathers around his beak fluffing up...so I know he is ready for bed. Gotta cut some veggies and let him sleep. LOL...Thanks for reading :) Thanks for all the sweet words about Issac...I tell them to him. ;)

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