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I lost a grey


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After 5 years, I've dissolved the relationship I had with my partner.


In the process, he took Phoenix. Bless his little heart, I hope that he's going to be OK being locked in his cage and ignored.


So now I grieve for two. Yes, I tried. Yes, I was told take him and hide him.


But in the end, I didn't want a massive property dispute. I just want to finish where I left off, and focus on rehabilitating Talula.<br><br>Post edited by: ecodweeb, at: 2010/04/05 14:25

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Chris - I am so sorry to hear about you two - but you obviously thought long and hard about your decision to go your own way, of course with Talula.


We're always here to help keep your spirits up, and I hope you parted on good terms so that you can check up on Phoenix's progress. Keep your chin up ;)

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We did part on good terms, but he knew that it would have probably been better if we'd swapped kids ... I'm not convinced Phoenix won't come back to me, either.


It's hard, but I look forward to showering her with attention and trying to teach her new tricks. Her being the old parrot in the house, she might be more social.


Thanks for the support. She's been nicer to me than usual, perhaps it took a broken heart to get her to open up to me?


She's also doing WAY better in the Beetle, she's leaning in turns and balancing herself on takeoffs... way better than she used to. She also like to swing back and forth while hanging onto the sides of her cage... she's getting stronger.


I know I'm doing it right at least. She even let me hold her on her back with minimal grumbles! Harness here we come?

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That name Phoenix carries a bit more meaning now, so perhaps she will return. A new start and a chance to renew your relationship with Talula. You will prosper and so will she they say pain and the experience that follows it makes us all stronger, I hope so. So glad you can hang out here with us crazy Grey types. all the very best on your changes and Miss Talula too.

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I am so sorry you are going thru this but know that we are here for you anytime you need us so don't feel like you are alone.


I am glad to hear that Talula is doing better and hopefully you will get Phoenix back, I will be praying that you do for I know you miss him so much.

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I am so sorry. My heart hearts for you. However, we know Phoenix is safe. When I read the thread title I was afraid one of your birds had flown or been stolen. This way you at least know Phoenix is alive. Maybe you can try and get visitation with Phoenix?

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I spoke with my ex (boy, that is harder to say than expected) and we're staying friendly. I think in a few weeks I'll be able to go and see him, and vice versa. So not all is lost, or hopeless, but it is quite different around the house.


I have noticed that Talula seems to be much more talkative now, I guess since she's the only one left she feels she can sing and practice all the time. Perhaps the two together (in sight of each other in their cages) wasn't the best.. not sure. Too soon to tell.


I noticed she's not pulled any red tail feathers, which gives me hope. I've not stayed in my house in about a week (since Sunday because I lost the bed among other large items). I'm determined to sleep on the floor in the living room near Talula tonight, even if I have to make a pallet on the floor!


Thank you guys. I hate airing dirty laundry, but sometimes you got to let the fresh air in. And you guys and gals are the best fresh air anyone could ask for.


Thanks to you all :)

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Aww I'm glad you guys have agreed to be friendly :)


I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you two, I bet it is different around the house! That's great news that Talula is feeling some freedom and talking more! Even on days where you are sad, I'm sure Talula can make you smile :) Yoshi makes me smile all the time, they can be so affecionate at times.


I wish you the best of luck... and don't worry about sharing 'dirty laundry' we all have it and the more people that share the load and help each other, the sooner everything is sparkly-clean again ;)

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She's so talkative. She started saying her name in Jeff (my roommate's) voice, and he picked her up last night. He's losing his fear of parrots and she's taking a shining to him. I couldn't have asked for more!


She's preening in a non destructive way, and has even opened up her wings and twirled around for aleo showers.


VERY happy with her progress, perhaps this was what we both needed after all! :)

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