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I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry..


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Today Emma was hanging out in the kitchen with me while I was washing dishes. :)


Her favourite spot is ON top of the fridge. She likes to pit patter about and recite every word she knows on top of there. :lol:


All of a sudden for the first time ever, she decided to fly down and land on top of the closed garbage can.



After she landed, I turn around to see her running her tongue along the lid.:unsure: :unsure:


I was freaking out because I clean the lid on a regular basis with lysol cleaning disinfectant and the last thing I want is for her to be doing what she was doing.:huh:



What did I do? I reacted in a way that was uncharacteristic of me.

I snapped sharply at her to get off and shooed her away with my elbow since my hands were full of soapy water. She got startled by my reaction and flew off to her cage. When she landed she said out loud "I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry."




I felt so bad when I heard her say those words.


Of course I went to see her. She bent her head for a scratchie and said "I'm sorry" again.


I told all was forgiven and no need to apologize because I wasn't upset.


I guess she has figured out what sorry means .. from the times I've said it to her in the past.


Boy do I love my Emma! Can you imagine? She understands the word "Sorry".{Love-0002011E}


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2010/04/05 01:43<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2010/04/05 01:44

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lovethatgrey wrote:

I guess she has figured out what sorry means .. from the times I've said it to her in the past.


She does obviously understand the meaning of "I'm Sorry".


What a cute story, even though it was a dramatic moment for you. :-)


Emma is one smart Grey!

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Thanks guys!! The moment was definitely a "reactionary" one for me. Normally, I actually stop what I am doing and explain to Emma why I don't want her to do what ever she happens to be doing. Sometimes I even receive a bite in return because she's not in the mood for what I am proposing. :pinch: Perhaps she responded this way because it was out of my "norm"?


I still can't believe I had that experience and look forward to many more special moments like it.;)

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That is sweet that she said, "I'm sorry" in context. I understand your snapping at her, I've done the same when I see a dangerous incident about to take place. It's just so hard to do it in a way that is positive and still get their attention to stop what they are doing.


I ssshhh'ed Paco for the first time ever yesterday. He hated it, and by his reaction, so did I. I was dozing on the couch for a bit and he started to really scream at a toy. At first it scared me half to death, but then it angered me that he was being so noisy, and with such a horrid noise that I just let the shush go... It startled him so badly that he nearly fell off his perch. He stayed quiet for an hour while I felt such horrible guilt...

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I was thinking it might be good to teach Emma the word "danger" so you don't have to snap at her again. I know it won't come up often but I had a lot of time to think about parrots today on my way to pick up Hawkins. I realized a word to use when something is really dangerous for them would make sense, something they know that they should just get away from whatever they are doing and then think about it.

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Awww, how sweet. It's amazing how smart these greys are. She wants to please you!!! And is sorry she didn't!! I bet she learned a lesson from this: "Sometimes mom says "no" but sometimes it's a big "No!" That must be really important."


What a sweet bird you have there!

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It's amazing how smart grey's are! and that she knows what I'm sorry means..how cool is that.


I would have reacted like that too...well, I DO react like that when they are in a dangerous situation and there is no time to stop and explain...

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