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Day out


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Today we took our 2 to a bird meet in the butterfly house where they can fly around and it was also open to the public to come and meet the parrots. Kea was very calm and the other birds didn't bother her. Rangi was another story and I got told he is not a normal grey.


He was fine with the greys, but as soon as another type of bird flew past he was off chasing it. He even chased the macaws and twice landed on their backs. I have no idea what he was thinking and everyone was watching this grey chasing the big birds. As you can imagine I was a bit embarrassed. It would have been ok if I didn't get the comments about him not being a normal grey, how mature he is for a 3 year old, what an attitude he has. You should have seen him if another bird landed on me, that was an absolute no no, he would fly over directly and tell the other bird to get off.


We are meant to go back tomorrow as well but I am so unsure of taking him back if he is going to try and bully all the other birds. I mean these are all bird owners so should know what they can be like, but they all seen so surprised by Rangi.

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Jane08 wrote:

Rangi was another story and I got told he is not a normal grey.


So he acted different from the other greys in the enclosure but that doesn't mean he is not normal, he is his own self with his own attitude, obviously he is more domineering than most. Just because he didn't act like theirs he is labeled not normal, that is their opinion so don't let them make you feel like he is abnormal.


Go again tomorrow, he has just as much right to be there as any of the other birds, the other bird owners should know that they are all individuals and that no two are alike.

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Well Jane, Rangi sounds more normal to me than Kea. :P


I can only base this comment on my experience with Dayo. He does not like any other bird sitting on us, except himself or another Grey and he chases other birds in flight as well.


Greys by nature are a "Species Only" Parrot and do not flock with any other Parrots, like Amazons, Macaws and Conures do.


Even when Dayo and the 2 clutches were babies, the Greys huddled together and drove away or moved away from the Macaws, Conures and Too's at the breeders when they were all out together.


My only thought about taking him again to the bird mart, would be to keep him on a harness. he could end up hurting or getting hurt himself in the right circumstances in a fight. :-)

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Well we have decided to take them back just for a couple of hours today, you are right Judy I am not going to let them make me feel like he is abnormal, he is Rangi and he has always been like this and I wouldn't change him for the world.


Dan I did have a feeling that maybe he was protecting his flock and didn't want other birds near us or even flying past us. I was also scared he would get hurt by the macaws. I always watch to see where he is and then walk up to him and ask him to step up even if he is advancing on another bird with his fetahers raised. He always obeys and steps on my hand.


Some people there said just leave it they will work it out, but to my mind this is not good advice with the size differences in the birds and I would rather avoid leaving them to maybe fight.


How is it that even in the clutch they know that they macaws and conures are diffirent, that is so fascinating that they all huddle with their own kind.

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Hope you enjoy your second day out, but that it's not quite as hairy!!

I would love to take Alfie to such a meet, and have looked for them over here but never come across any - my vet couldn't even tell me if they existed in this country or not. Could you tell me what the requirements are to a)hold a meet and b)attend one with your bird!!

I'd love to see how Alfie reacts!

Have fun!

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The bird society organises the meets here and there are no requirements to be a part of it, just a clean bill of helth for your bird. We have a park here with about 6 huge greenhouses where they have the butterflies and parrots as well. So they invite everyone to bring their birds twice a year.


We went back today and it was alot better. Rangi again was the same but not so bad and he got a bit of a surprise when a macaw actually chased him, but he did hold his ground and didn't back down. The lady with the macaw said good on him as her macaw needs teaching a lesson as he was also a bit of a bully.


Rangi was kind to all the kids and let them hold him and touch him on the back. Kea was the entertainer and was talking away. A guy who was writing a book on birds took loads of photos of Rangi and kea flying as we are able to have them fly on command.


So they are both exhausted now and resting in their room after a big 2 days.

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It sounds like great fun - but don't the parrots try and eat the butterflies? Harvey ate a moth on the window last year - so I'd be worried about him eating the incredulously rare butterfly, rather than bullying the other birds!!


As for a meet here Lyn - patch up the holes in the barn and I'll be on my way ;)

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JillyBeanz wrote:

I'd be worried about him eating the incredulously rare butterfly, rather than bullying the other birds!!


As for a meet here Lyn - patch up the holes in the barn and I'll be on my way ;)


Lol Jill - trust Harvey to be the one who got thrown out for eating the residents!!!:laugh:


I don't actually have a barn at the minute Jill - but it is kind of on my to do list for when we move - Alfie is getting her own secure garden and friends (and relatives) will be most welcome!


Jane, sounds like the Mac may have met his match!

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Glad to hear that the second day was much more successful. Rangi just needed to find his way around and to figure out everything. Next time will be so much more fun for him. Did you get the name of the guy who is writing a book? It would be interesting to read and see if Rangi and Kea are stars!!!

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Here is the video from the meet with all the birds. About 4.50 in to it you will see Rangi's performance and see what I mean.



LOL Jill, Rangi would also be after the butterflies thank god they take them out before they let the birds lose.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2010/04/06 09:12

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That's an excellent bit of video - dead funny around the 5.30 - mark! That'll be Rangi not backing down at 5.30? And then at 5.50 when he strutts his stuff!:laugh:

There's a funny bit at 5.55 when an Amazon doesn't look like he wants to join in with the big boys, and then a hand appears to try to get the second mac to step up, but he's obviously not finished playing yet!!:laugh: :laugh: Priceless!

Thanks for sharing this.

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That video is delightful, the sounds of children laughing and the birds calling really piqued the interest of my birds. Now I will have to play it over and over again to entertain them since they didn't get to go to such a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing.

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