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Tobie's new video


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Thanks for watching my videos. Aren't these grey parrots all so amazing. I was just reading pearlyns post about the kiss and emma saying "I'm sorry". I feel so blessed to be experiencing living with a grey parrot. You know I might have just decided not to bring Tobie home and missed the whole experience. I would have missed alot.

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Yes they are Jan and what an experience you would have missed if you had chosen to not bring him home with you, it certainly puts a whole new perspective on life and I love hearing all these little stories of how our greys can be so amazing, priceless.

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I love that you taught Tobie "what time is it?" He knows the answer before he asks, but he enjoys the exchange. You are so right about taking the risk, bringing home a grey and the benefits to us from sharing our home with them. When he announced "it's suppertime" it reminded me of something but took me a second to dredge it out of my memory. He has the intonation of some star... maybe "its hammertime!"

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