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The sweetest Kiss.


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I've just had a really special little moment with Alfie and wanted to share.

Her and I were just sitting on our own, she was on my hand, I was holding her close because we were having quite a meaningful little chat, I was telling her how much I love her and how beautiful she is etc. She was listening to every word I was saying when she leaned in and gave me a kiss right on the lips and made her little kissy noise. I just melted. She will often humour me if I ask her for a kiss, but this is the first time she initiated it.


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It was just the sweetest little thing. I woke up witih a smile on my face!!

Jill, I wouldn't say steal, (maybe I would, but I wouldn't admit it!;) ) but she is def more relaxed with me now - she just seems to have accepted I'm part of the flock.

Having said that, she's not all angel - she's sitting on top of her UV lamp at the minute giving it "uh-oh!":laugh:

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I did Julie - no doubt!


judygram wrote:

She is pretty darn close to it though you have to admit.:cheer:


Lol Judy - near as damn it!


Janfromboone wrote:

Alfie knew you were loving her at the moment and wanted to return the love.


That's what I think Jan - she must have felt the love.<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/04/04 22:29

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Like you said Lyn, it's the "Moment". Dayo has those with me once in a blue moon and I cherish them.


But, the million moments are good bites, if I try to get in his space without him offering for me to "Come on in". :P

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Oh Lyn, I am so happy for you. It wasn't long ago when she came to your knee for the first time. She really knows what is good for her to not only make friends with you but to endear herself in such a sweet moment. I am so happy for your little family.

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