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It's been soooo quiet on here recently. I know there have been problems with the site but it seems ok today, still it seems very quiet to me. As for me I'm having problems with the site loading but I think this is an issue with my internet provider probably due to the fact that hubby has informed them we are changing to another company (I will be offline for 24-48 hrs from Monday - I think. OMG what will I do???)


Anyway just posting this to try and start some sort of discussion lol.


Happy Easter Sunday tomorrow everyone!!

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Yes it has been quiet on here lately but most of that is because of the problems we are having with the site, also not much going on in the live chat window anymore for I find that a lot of the members get on and post what they want then leave.


OMG you will be offline, what will I do!




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Yes, it has been quiet. I have been lurking several times a day. Been working at the new site as it's being built. It certainly will look different :( . Not as nice as this, but there is much more control and is sure to keep the hackers out!!

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It has been very quiet lately. I assume it is everyone getting ready to enjoy Easter with family and friends. Will miss you Julie! I have always loved the set up on this site it seems so warm and friendly. I will miss the atmosphere here, so I hope it really won't be too different!

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