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Video of Pepper and Missy


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They'll do that for awhile until Pepper becomes feisty and is over it. Then we have to separate them.


Pepper gets weird around Missy and isn't himself whenever she is around. It will definitely be interesting to see if they still like each other later down the road.


I think Pepper will always just be the only bird in my house...I dont think he'd have it any other way

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Just remember if you do ever get another bird that Pepper remains the number one bird meaning he is first to be fed, let out of his cage when you come home, first to be spoken to and such, he will assume the position of flock leader and he must be shown that respect.


When you said he becomes feisty that is the leader coming out in him, he likes Missy but when he has had enough he lets her know but then that is ok.

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I hope they wouldn't become mated.


I don't see it happening, then again I am no expert.


on Sunday we took Pepper to my parents for Easter dinner & he didn't want to hangout with Missy too much. I could tell Missy was driving him nuts.

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