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When will I get new words?


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So, as many of you will remember, Paco started to talk a few months ago, and I thought he embraced it with a gusto. Now I'm starting to wonder.


He went from a number of phrases and words, and now its seems like we are just back to "Hello". It's all I have heard him say for weeks now.


As background, it has been a really busy time for me, I just finished up another semester at school and still keep working full-time. So, having had a number of papers due, and all, I may not have spent as much time on "talk training" as I would have liked. Now that I'm finished (just one more paper to do), we will have blissful month of me just working without school to distract me from Paco time.


Has anyone else experienced this? Paco will be 10 months on April 10, he was saying a lot of phrases during his 8th month, and now its just hello...


Thanks for your help.

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Alfie did the same - started off great then had a quiet period. I find she does have a favourite word, phrase or sound at any one time, and I just "kickstart" some other things so she's not just saying one thing. After a couple of months where she hasn't said anything new, she just started coming out with a couple of new things!

I suspect Paco will start coming out with more stuff when the mood takes him!

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My grey has times she is a fountain of words or phrases and some days she doesn't say a word. She likes to talk early in the morning, when the sun come up and I am a night person so I like to sleep in. Another time is after a thorough misting or bath she will jabber away. So I wouldn't worry it will come. Just like people our fids like quiet time too.

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Paco is the same age as Kopi and I find that he chooses judiciously when he will speak. He is also very chatty early in the morning and late in the evening with long silent periods in between. I have also noticed when I am busy or when I am out of the house for a few hours, he is less likely to talk that evening. When your schedule lets up and you spend more time with him, he will pick right up where he left off.

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Well, he just had a heavy misting and his is shattering away in Parrotese, a few Hellos and I think he may be working on something new. He's doing the real throaty thing.


They are the most amazing creatures...


Thanks for the words of encouragement, I just didn't want to be stuck on Hello for the next 40 years!

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Ryan - I am sure Harvey recites "War & Peace" when I'm not around - well, that's what I am convincing myself to believe anyway!


I'm sure there's some non-speaking English person pops around when I'm not in - because the mumbo jumbo that comes out of Harvey's beak is amazing!


Harvey's nearly 16 months old now - and prefers to mimick than talk - although I think we might be getting there! Just hang in there - I'm sure Paco will be just fine ;)

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Paco is still really young for talking, it's usually after they are 12 months old and beyond when they really get going. The lack of time you have been "talk training" will also be a factor for Paco not having learnt new words but unfortunately there are parts of our lives that don't include the birds it's just a fact and can't be helped. You will get your time with Paco and very soon you will be wondering what you were so concerned about.

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Greys will practice their speaking skills before they actually say words, that is evident in the throaty sounds you are hearing, practice makes perfect they say and when they feel they have it right then you hear words then phrases. Paco is taking his time as most do but its coming so be prepared to be amazed.;) B)

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Thanks for the assurances. I'm certain that we'd be further along if it hadn't been such a tough semester at school.


I keep him close at hand, but tend to just answer his "Hello" and contact calls while "we" are working on papers.

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Both are greys just hit 1 year old and have never said a single word. They mimic various sounds (cell phones, microwave, etc) but nothing human.


In contrast, our green cheeked conures, who are supposed to not talk, were talking at 5 months old. They have about a 10 word vocabulary, lol and they're cute as anything.


It's really just a situation where we have to wait until they're ready.

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My sun conure does not talk but she has so many other endearing qualities I don't miss it but Josey makes up for it.


BTW, Josey did not talk until she was a year of age and some do not until older so you still have plenty of time, patience.


Our Suns are so cute... Maddox makes little whispered "woof woof" sounds, Merlin has a greeting that sounds like "whachadoin?" They make a ton of little clicks, whistles, and calls that we've come to understand that it really doesn't matter if they can talk, we know what they're saying :)

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