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Charlies results are back. He does have folliculitus.The vet was spot on. I am so relievesd I never believed he was plucking for psychological reasons.I just knew something was not right.His blood work came back ok apart from a very slight low calcium level.He is to stay on anti biotics and pain killers for about 8 weeks and is to go back for a check up at the end of next week . Please anyone who has a bird who plucks make absolutely sure all physical causes including folliculitus are totally ruled out before accepting a psycological reason. I am so happy i persevered and kept returning to the vet untill I was taken seriously or Charlie would not have got the right treatment.

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That is good news Sheila, not the folliculitus obviously, but that you now have something to treat - it must feel like a great weight has begun to lift.

Well done for perservering when you knew something was wrong, but the "experts" were telling you otherwise!

Hopefully the painkillers will help take the edge off and Charlie will be back to his old self before you know it!


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I know it is a relief to finally know what the root cause of Charlie's plucking is and he is now getting the treatment he needs to get over this and put it behind him.


Karma for following thru until you found the cause of Charlie's ills.

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Thanks everyone.I am so relieved.I am just praying now that Charlie does not become a habbitual plucker because of this but we will cross that bridge if we come to it, right now I am concentrating on getting his meds in to him and keeping him as busy as I can, lucky he is on top form and happy to play and eat so all is going well.

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