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Hunger strike


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The last 3 times we have gone out in the evening, Alfie hasn't touched her food. She usually gets fed out on her stand, but these three times lately when we've been going out, we've left her with her food in her cage at her teatime, but when we've come in 4 or 5 hours later she hasn't touched it, but will tuck in readilly when we take her out and put her on her stand with her food.

I'm worried that it's becoming regular - I don't want her not eating when she's in her cage. Any suggestions?

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Lyn, we've noticed since Harvey was a baby that he prefers to eat on his stand - I got worried too that he wasn't touching his food, and to be honest there are plenty of times when I come in and I know that the veggies have just been flung about to make it look like he's had a feed.


Harvey normally eats "properly" at about 8pm to 9pm - he seems to be a nocturnal eater. I weigh him regularly, he is 450g, so I'm not worried.


As you say, she eats when you put her on her stand - so, there's nothing wrong with her, just prefers to eat at her favourite restaurant! She'll not starve - if she's hungry she'll eat it (just at the minute is choosing not to)!:laugh:

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Ana Grey prefers to eat outside her cage during the day. But I always put something fresh in her cage at night and she eats it. I don't worry because she always has fresh food in and out of her cage and I know she would never starve herself. I also weigh her regularly and she is always her 290 grams. So relax they eat when they are hungry.

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Beau does this to me - he prefers to eat outside of his cage, but I know he eats inside his cage when I'm not looking. I've made a point of putting something special in his bowl of fresh food if I know I'm going to be gone longer than my normal 2 hours. Sheesh, I guess I need to get a better life if the longest I'm ever really gone is 2 hours for a norm!





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Maybe Alfie is a social eater and she wants to share with you. Or maybe she just wants to keep her cage tidy and mess up your house instead of her own. LOL. Seriously though, it might make you feel better to give her treats in her cage so she gets accustomed to that just in case you need to be gone for a little while, not so much for her because like others have said, if she gets hungry she will eat. But, more for your peace of mind for when you are away.

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judygram wrote:

Thats all that really matters Lyn, if her weight is stable then she is fine so don't be such a worrywart.:P


I can't help it!:dry: I will try though. I always say worrying never did anybody any good!


Dee I think that's it in a nutshell - Alfie does not like to dine alone. that's ok most of the time, but as you say, there may come a time when I have to be gone a little while, and then what? treats hidden in every corner of the cage!

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