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Tricks = Karma


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As the subject in another thread, TalonSis has taught Talon to spell her name, now that is an amazing trick to do and I know there are others out there with similar tricks they have taught their greys to do or say. I want to hear what you have taught your grey to do or say that makes it worthy of being a trick.


If you post a five or six sentence paragraph telling us about it, I will give each one 1 karma. If you post a picture of that trick in addition to the paragraph, I will give each one 2 karmas. If you post a video, in addition to the paragraph, I will award each one 3 karmas.


So get those photos and videos in to this thread to get karmas and if you haven't already taught your grey any tricks, then get busy and do so now, I won't wait forever you know.:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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I think that qualifies as a trick, Mark, at least in my book, and mine is the one that counts here in this thread, since I started it and I make the rules:whistle: so yes it does.:cheer:


I am hoping for some really unique and good ones, I know some of the members here have worked with their greys more than others and I hope they will share what they did in hopes of inspiring others to try something new.:huh:<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/08/06 14:09

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Guest Lidia

Joshua does a special dismount from the shower rail, that I have not managed to capture on film. I indicate to him that he should come down and he tips over and holds on with his beak with his feet dangling (trustingly) for me to pick him up. Is that a trick? I have encouraged him to do it, so he always does it now, but I used to have to pat him on the underside of his tail for him to do it, don't need to do that anymore.


And if anyone takes a tissue out in front of Joshua he ALWAYS makes the blowing your nose sound. Is that a trick?


Oh, and then there is the embarrassing one ... when I go to the loo, Joshua comes with me and sits on the sink. He holds his right foot out for a piece of toilet paper and then he holds it for me until I need it. I definitely taught him that one. It's the only job he has to do, so he has to do it well!:evil:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/05 19:10

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Lidia, I like the embarrassing one, how cute is that, and it is a trick in my book since you taught him to do it, that qualifies.


I'm hoping to get some really good tricks posted here for ideas for others to try to get their greys to learn. I, myself, am not good at teaching my grey any tricks, so I need some help in that department.:P

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Talon has a few tricks, one of course is the most recent I posted, about her saying her name, "Talon" and then saying "T A L O N!. If you ask her what a chicken says, she'll say, "Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!" She also will say, "Peek a boo" when you put your hands over your face and open them. And my very favorite is to say "Good Bird" and give you a kiss every time you pick her up! :P :P

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Sounds good to me.


Does anyone else out there have a trick they taught their grey that they want to share with us and get karma, if you do, nows the time to get them in here, I won't wait forever you know, my patience is wearing thin....:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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OK, little more detail on my initial post! For whatever reason I thought it would be fun if Kip could respond appropriately if I ask "Whats a duck say?" I started saying that to her followed by "Quack Quack Quack". At some point she started to say "Quack Quack Quack" and I would always then say "Whats a duck say". I then started just randomly asking her what a duck says and everytime she responds appropriately give her lots of praise, good girl, sometimes a treat etc. Now she responds with "Quack quack quack" almost everytime I ask her the question!


She also will now take a dump on command. If I tell her "go poo", she assumes the squat position and tries, even if she does not have to go! Sometimes she produces, sometimes not! She still has accidents for sure, but if I remind her to go where I want every 20 mins or so (for now) I can pretty well control the bombs! I started by saying "go poo" every time I saw her go in a place I liked, and acting all happy etc. I would then put her on the prefered poo place and say "go poo". If she did, lots of praise. I continue to do that and as I said, now if I say "go poo" etc, she will try no matter where I have place her! ;) Its an ongoing process to re-inforce, reward, condition etc the tricks/behaviors you want!! B)

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Well Mark, nobody said it would be easy, LOL, I am glad so many of our members are trying the potty training of their new greys. Josey will not do it on command but she does use a trash can so I will take what I can get.


Very good work on the quack, quack, quack, and getting her to say that when you say "What does a duck say" to her. Gives us all inspiration to do similar things with ours, you certainly inspired me. So karma your way.

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Since Makena is only 3 months he isn't doing anything exciting yet. Although he does hate to poop on me and will avoid it at all costs. The carpet however isn't so lucky... :P He always starts moving back and forth and I know it is time to take him off my shoulder and get him to a proper pooping place!


Although this isn't a grey, it was emailed to me this morning and I thought it was really funny! Thought you might get a kick out of it!



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Thanks, Makena, that was funny, and I really enjoyed it, that little ringneck is one smart cookie.


At least you have one that does not like pooping on you, most of us have ones that will let fly wherever they are and don't care what we are wearing. LOL

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At one point Jacques knew a few animal sounds as well, We forgot to keep asking him so he's forgotten many of them, but he used to know dog, cat, horse, duck, cardinal, and I believe we were working on pig at one point... I have to start teaching these sounds to him again, before he completely forgets. ^^

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Tonka's best trick is the not-so-original "bang you're dead" which he does in two versions: either standing on a perch or my hand (and falls back) or on his back in my hand (and his neck hangs down at the "bang").


Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/10 08:25


Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/10 08:28<br><br>Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/10 08:28

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