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Awaiting the Drama...


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So, Paco's entertainment seems to be the newspaper that I use to line his playtop. He has found a way to drag the paper through the tray and the frame of the cage, has pulled it all the way onto the edge of his door where he is now perched precariously shredding the newspaper and dropping it on the door.


I know that we are going to have drama shortly, he is getting a little to involved with this new "toy" and will surely take a fall soon. He has been getting way more involved in his entertainment lately and has dropped down off his cage a few times lately. It always results with him looking at me from the floor a little dejected and worse for wear, but luckily not really hurt.


Oh lord, no he is under the paper like it is a cage, this is gonna be quite the show soon!!!

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Lol - photos would be good! Alfie likes to hide under stuff aswell - cushions, newspapers and the like!

Hope he bounces if he does manage to fall - these birds can be nerve wracking at times - I've grown 7 grey hairs since we got Alfie!

Thanks for sharing.

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Lol....Issac often loves to shread the paper at the bottom of his cage while I am away at work. Sometimes a little...sometimes a lot. If it comforts him....by all means shread away. I also have...under the paper a folded towel for padding so he can never hit hard.


He freaks me out sometimes when he is playing on his atom which hangs high above the ground...so far so good...and my place is carpetted so he should be okay. I still have to find a way of making sure that should he ever fall from his atom, that he does not hurt himself. I mostly freak out when he is on his back at the bottom of the atom with his feet clinging to the play toy in the center. Sometimes even with my hands out under him. Greys will be greys. IMG_1065.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/31 20:06


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Alright, I'll try to capture it next time. The problem is, as soon as I move he stops what he's doing. He is a horribly nosey little bugger, so the slightest move from me makes him think we might be having a new adventure, so he abandons whatever he is doing to make sure he doesn't miss out on the fun.


Yes, it'll be nice when he's flying again, hopefully then his little falls will be more gracefully caught!


Stephen, I have a hanging parrot gym with three different swivelling parts, I'm astounded at the antics he gets up to on that, luckily no falls from that yet. I think he takes it more seriously than he does than his cage. Wouldn't Isaac be able to right himself and fly if he slipped from the atom?

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