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Telepathy or exceptional hearing?


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I'm not sure, but given how far away she was, I'm leaning towards telepathy....

David had been away all morning when he phoned home. I was chatting away with him and Alfie was maybe 12 feet away sitting on top of her cage. In the middle of the conversation David told me he'd had a cup of coffee, and immediatly he said it, Alfie echoed "cup of coffee". It's something she'd never said before, and hasn't said since. I was gobsmacked at the time, as I'm sure she couldn't have heard him say it, we weren't on loudspeaker, just phone to my ear.

Sometimes when I'm about to say something, or do something she'll beat me to the punch, like if I'm about to call the dog, she'll do it a split second before I get there!

It sure does make you wonder! Does anyone else have any similar stories?

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Lyn, I was wondering the same thing when I saw the palm oil smeared all over Kopi and wondered to myself how I was going to clean him when he took his first bath. If they can really read minds... there is no hope of keeping Kopi the little gentleman Ann worked so hard to train. My kids say to keep him out of the car with me never mind inside my head. I do believe it anything is possible and say.. oh dear.

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That's awesome! Do you remember the stories of the grey named N'Kisi that they did research with regarding telepathy? I posted a post on it a long time ago- search for N'Kisi and I bet it turns up. I think there is more to this than people think. Who knows how the mind of a grey really works? I haven't seen any examples yet with my bunch but I'll be sure and report it to you all if I do!

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ecodweeb wrote:

Ask Alfie what the winnie lotto numbers will be and tell me her response. We will figure this out (or go broke trying)!!! :D


Honestly Chris - get real!!!! Alfie says she is telepathic - not psychic!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I do vaguely remember reading about N'kisi somewhere - I'll have to look him up again.

Jan, that's what I thought - you know when you see a flock of birds all change direction at once?


Dee lol - you'll have to watch what you're thinking!

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It is kinda weird, But I just think it is that they know our routine SO much, LIke I will walk in the kitchen every morning to shut the light off under the microwave, And you do this by pushing one of the microwave buttons, Well Calypso cant see me, but she will make the beep sound at the EXACT same time I hit it to shut the light off...I guess I am just too predictable.


One really weird thing though, Sometimes, Not ALL the time, But sometimes, My Quaker will say "hello" like someone is answering the phone, RIGHT before the phone rings. He will be all quite, and then, all the sudden he will go "hello, hello, hello, hello" then followed by about a 3 second pause, then...The phone rings. And he usually only says "hello" in that tone when the phone is ringing, cuz he knows I am about to answer it. But before, the phone rings, I dunno, Kinda weird...

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Well, I think they use telepathy. But I am from California as you know.


But seriously. A friend of mine had a grey that was bonded with her good friend. He went on a business trip. Ipo said, "getting on plane". Rachael thought it was odd but she noted the time because a friend was coming over. Two weeks later she found out her friend had gotten on a plane at the moment on that day.


Same bird lived here for a few days. We were going to see if she would live with me. (that story is posted and was sad but led me to my own birdling so all is well). Anyway, Racheal brought Ipo here to find her a new cage. I kept Ipo while she went shopping. Ipo said to me, "go for a ride?" I knew the above story so I called Racheal and sure enough, they had just bought the cage and set it up and were on their way over to pick up Ipo and take him home.


Because of my breeders closed aviary, I didn't get to see Hawkins before he moved in. Each night I meditated on him, trying to visualize him. When we were in the car driving home, I would swear I felt this upwelling of love that wasn't my own, it was coming from him. (I had mine too). This example of course can't be tested as its purely subjective. But I have read a bunch lately on animals and telepathy and there seems to be a bunch of science behind it. Not all new age broohaha.


And as Janfromboone says, it would be adaptive in the wild. Think about how a flock all get up and leave at the same time sometimes? Could be. Now maybe we can't get lottery numbers but its still an intriguing idea.

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crossfit wrote:

Ipo said, "getting on plane". Rachael thought it was odd but she noted the time because a friend was coming over. Two weeks later she found out her friend had gotten on a plane at the moment on that day.


Now that's what I'm talking about! I don't think an occurance like that has anything to do with good hearing or coincidenc3!!

you too Xtreme - surely your eyelashes can't be so long that Paco hears the woosh when you open your eyes!:laugh:


Thanks for sharing these stories.

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