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Funny - A Non Parrot Person Got It


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So over the weekend I get a call from my mom. She has known that I have been gaga over my bird and OCD about his care. Well, on Sunday she was out to breakfast and a lady came by with two birds on her shoulders. One umbrella cockatoo and an African Grey. She asks me mom if she can put them on the back of a chair at thier table while she goes in. My mom says it's okay.


While the birds were there being very well behaved, the were makin sounds and talking to my parents. When the lady returned, she told my parents how much they were like her 'babies' and the way she cared for them and took them everywhere.


So after that, my mom calls me and says, "Ohh guess what, while we were out to breakfast a lady came by with these birds....." and then the whole story and such. But what it boiled down to was this statement, "I found out that you are not crazy! These birds are actually major companions." That made me laugh and I thought I would share that with you.


I guess if you just talk about it with someone, you can seem quite nutty. But seeing the birds in action or with their owners, it becomes a bit more majestic and clear why we love our feathered friends so much. :)


Cheers IMG_0879-a2b45315f683fdf08277b8a022b678b9.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/30 23:10


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So your mom had to see it from someone else's perspective to get the meaning of how you feel about Issac, now I guess she understands how you are so enthralled with him.


Like Lyn, I would not have wanted to leave my birds outside while I went into a store, too much chance of someone taking off with them and I just don't trust most people anymore.


Thanks Stephen for sharing that story with us.

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The funny thing is, I know I am an animal lover, I know how much I love the intelligence and personality of these birds but every day I still wake up and think I must have dreamed it was really so wonderful. And every day is a new thrill of realizing it is better than I could have imagined. My friends and family think they get it, but I have surely turned the grey bend.

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Yeah, she is starting to get it. You really have to be in the presence of a grey to pick up just how magnificent they are. And that is just a primer. I mean, I had always seen greys in stores and they always put a smile on my face with their little antics and showing off. However, I never had any idea what I was in store for when I brought my baby home. They can call it crazy or whatever, but I am so happy to be with Issac. There was a big hole in my life when I moved away from my last girlfriend and into my apartment. Issac fills that hole and then some. Just walking through the door and seeing how happy he is to see me is a wonderful feeling. His curiosities and inquisitive nature is like having a National Geographic program right in you home. The adjectives and personifications could go on forever. I love him lots. IMG_1064.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/31 20:25


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Yesterday I was cleaning out my car - with a bird on my shoulder! My son was taking a walk with his grandmother - with a bird on his arm. The night before I went to Mom and Dad's with a bird on my shoulder and my dad spent the whole time I was there playing with Beau. Only bird people don't question it, but it's great when non-bird people get excited about it. You're not crazy, your Mom's confirmed that, and we all already knew that! Now you can just smile and those people who don't get it, really won't get it...lol.


Great story by the way.



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