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my partners dad had a brother which died and his african grey was left in the will to his wife which didnt really want him but they took him in then this lady died and left it in her will to be passed down to her sister. This sister came to Down to stay at my partners dads house and brought the african grey with her and she has done this for years but everytime we saw it it was in a terrible state where there were feathers missing on his wings and body and generally was in a poor state. It was upsetting alot of people and because we have birds ourself we decided to do something about it so i got her to agree to leave the parrot which is in my care at the moment and i along with my partner and his dad are making sure it gets the medical treatment that it requires. Alot of family members have said that we shouldnt give the bird back cause she is neglecting it. We have already had him at the vets once and the vets have said it has been neglected.


What rights do i have to keep the bird?

Cross posted, this lady rang me today, the poor guy seems to have lived a terrible life these last few years. Hes 22 years old.

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Have you just asked the lady to give or sell you and your partner the parrot. Just tell her what the grey means to you and how you would love to be able to love and care for this fid for all time. She might like to have a cuddly puppy instead. What is the grey's name by the way?

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I don't know what kind of legal rights you have but if I were you I would appeal to her good sense and see if she will allow you to keep the bird. Tell her in a kind way that the bird is not getting the attention, love and nourishment it needs, she may not be aware that greys require this much time and attention.

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Apparently the lady whose bird it is wants him back, the only reason Kate has this bird in her possession at the moment is because this lady came to stay and brought the bird with her, she reluctantly left him with Kate as Kate said she would take him to the vet and get the right treatment for him. This lady wont do that as her attitude is that its "only a bird and vets just rob you" Obviously Kate doesnt want to let this bird go back to be treated the same again but is worried by legal implications.

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Well it looks like you took the bird with the intentions of getting medical treatment. If you haven't discussed whether she wants to part with the bird then it's hers. Legalities really don't apply unless some official animal organization judged that the animal was being abused by the owner. Usually, they would take the animal away. You could spend some time with her going over the way the bird should be treated, it's needs and you can show the owner the vet's report about the bird being in bad shape. Maybe she'll change her mind about keeping the bird.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/03/29 00:01

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Without using the word "neglected", I would tell the lady what the vet said about the bird's health. For example, he was eating the wrong diet, needed more excerise, or more attention, etc.


I would empathize with her about how much commitment this takes, and then tell her that you (or Kate) love and own several birds, and would be happy to accept this bird into your flock.


Does she actually love and want this bird, or is she doing this out of a sense of obligation to her sister? If she loves the bird, surely she wants it to be healthy-whether or not she likes/appreciates vets. Maybe she can't afford proper healthcare for the bird, and would appreciate someone else adopting it. Giving the bird to your partner would be keeping it in the family.

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By the sounds of it she was obligated to take the bird, she must have some feeling for him to not want to give him up permanently but her attitude is hes only a bird so therefore not worth taking time and money to care for him properly. I will be ringing Kate in the next day or so to get any updates.

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I question whether the bird is truly neglected. The bird has been passed around and may even be an old bird. The trauma of having been passed around may have resulted in feather plucking or chewing. She obviously cares enough to take the bird with her when she visits your partner's father. Maybe she just needs some guidence in feeding and care if even that.

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My suggestion would be to keep her updated on exactly what you are doing for him and the expenses for everything-food, treats, toys and Veterinary care. Keep a record and take photos as he progresses. How long has this little guy been in her care? How much of his condition is long term and how much is recent? Is he open to leaning how to care properly for this bird? You may be able to determine some of these answers before making a final decision on keeping or returning. You Vet may also be willing to write a letter of his findings and recommended treatment and outcomes. Hope this constructive suggestion may give you a tool to use and a record of his progress.<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/03/30 16:18

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What a sad and tough situation.


This is my greatest fear when we pass on and Dayo continues, perhaps for decades.


Many people have no clue just how intelligent most critters are and treat them as just animals and birds that you feed (whatever) give some water and put up with them.


I feel for you and that Grey.


You've done a lot already and hopefully from an educational and caring stance you can get her to accept your good will and help in letting this Grey have the life, nutrition, medical care and freedom of living with the flock as a respected family member.


Unfortunately, most people just really do not have a clue of the needs each and every critter on this planet needs if it is taken in to humans hands and care.


If the lady caring for it now has financial problems, heck I'd be willing to help as much I can....


Please keep this post updated.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/30 16:13

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Sticky situation.


Perhaps a call to the humane society is in order? if the vet can prove that neglect has occurred, you can persuade her to give up the animal (or they'll just take it).


22 is YOUNG for an animal that lives 60 to 80 years. t's an adult, but its far from senior status. It may not see senior status if it continues to live with her.

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I am so happy for this grey and Kate, at least the owner has some sense to finally realize the bird is better off with someone who knows how to take care of the bird and at least now it will get whatever treatment it needs. I am sure this bird will blossom under Kate's care, please keep us informed on his progress please Deb.

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It is such a tough situation but it sounds like Kate is caring and calm and has turned things around for this bird. I am so happy to know he is going to be with someone committed to bringing him to good health and giving him a happy life. Bless his heart... and Kate's too.

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