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Cooked Fava Beans? YUMMY!


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Emma looks like she is actually eating the bean but Sachi is just chewing it and dropping it but it gives them something to do. I don't think I have ever seen a fava bean before.


To tell you the truth I have only heard of those beans because of a movie, something about eating his liver with some fava beans, yep it was Hannibal the cannibal.


Thanks for sharing the videos with us.

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*******PLEASE DO NOT DO WHAT I have done in these 2 videos. I have since learned from VERY experienced parrot owners that Fava beans MUST be cooked before feeding to our Parrots otherwise it is a toxic bean to them!!************ I will be removing this video from Youtube as soon as I can because I do NOT want to steer any parront wrong!! I am so sorry.:(




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for those looking to figure out what to do with fava beans - they are grown and eaten around the middle east. Look up a recipe for Fuul or Ful which is basically a well cooked bean stew using dried fava's. You will most likely find it on an Egyptian cooking page somewhere. For the fresh ones, the recipe links I shared above include some stews but even a steaming is enough if they are young and fresh. You can steam them in the pods or roast them or grill them and then the fids can still have the whole bean to tear apart while they look for the yummy seeds inside.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OH NO. I woke up late this morning and came out into the kitchen to find husband had fed Hawkins some fresh favas. Is this toxic as in, I should be worried all day and rush him to the vet? or toxic as in, I shouldn't do it again but it should be fine as it mostly causes long term things?

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