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Joey, Setting the record straight!!!


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:P I've decided that it's time for me to let you all know exactly what's going on. You have heard from Spock and his perspective and here I am to set the record straight.

Spock may say that he has to keep the flock in line but I am the one who has to dispense the discipline. I have learned to do a clapping sound that gets their attention. If they continue, I tell them "No! Bad! or Quiet!" (I rarely have to resort to that now that they know when they hear me clap, I mean business!) In fact, last night, after lights were all out, I heard our "parronts" still talking in the dark. I had to clap a few times to remind them that it was time for sleep.:angry:

I have discovered that great adventures await those who are brave enough to explore..I have found strange new worlds and I think I like it. I have discovered there is other rooms besides the one I am in. I found out the new curtains are fun to climb, the couch is fun to climb, there is a strange black creature that is bigger than me and likes to sleep all day on the couch and I have also discovered that I like showers. In fact, I have Jay trained. When he gets ready to leave to get Maggie, I puff up my feathers to twice their size to let him know I am ready for a bath and he sprays me with his magic water bottle that sprays out warm water mist so I don't have to try to fit into my water bowl. (It's a little bit of a tight fit...)

I still can't fly very well yet but I still keep trying...it's not the flying that's so bad, it's the Crash-Corrigan landings that I do...:laugh:

Well, I have to go, Spock is standing over my shoulder, trying to tell me what to write....


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Geeze Joey! It's a good job you're there! Imagine Spock telling everyone that he's the one keeping everyone in line but it's you all along!! Keep up the good work (I don't suppose it hurts to humour Spock and let him (i)think(/i) he's the boss!)

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Joey, now tell the truth!! Have you been talking to Tobie??? He has been becoming bossier lately. Telling me "Bedtime" when I'm not ready to go to bed and telling the dogs to "go outside" when they aren't ready to tinkle. You may think you're the boss at your house, but please keep it to yourself.


Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/03/28 03:12<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/03/28 03:13

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What a leader of the flock you have turned out to be Joey! But, the clap on, clap off only usually works for those high-tech light thing-a-ma-bobs and TV's. :-)


I suspect Spock is leading you down a path for ulterior motives yet unknown. Be careful, those Vulcan minds are very logical and known for being 21 move ahead chess players.


Enjoy the clap-on-clap-off control while you have it. I suspect it will suffer a malfunction soon, when Spock pulls the cord. :P

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Its good to hear from you Joey, its time you stepped up to take control from Spock and you are finding out its a brave new world out there, ready for the pickins and you are the man to do it, just watch your back so Spock doesn't pull a fast one on you but I have the utmost confidence in your ability to lead the flock.;):):P

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Phew, Joey, good thing you went on to explain, I thought you were calling Jay the strange black thing sleeping all day on the couch, LOL. But no, you said you have him trained better than that. Hahahaha. Once you get your family and flock trained to do your bidding at the sound of a clap, please come train mine.

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