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I have a question for everyone

Codys Mom

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ok I was wondering to start with what and what = a Timneh Grey just curious , hubby says a timeneh and a Congo = a Timneh huhhhhhhhhhh doesn't make sense to me lol

now the reason why I'am asking this is we are thinking of adding either a Timneh or a Congo to our flock not this summer but maybe next spring or summer and I'am not sure if we should adopt a male or female since Rudy our Timneh is a female and she will be a year old this year May 2nd so that will make her a little over 2 years old, need opinions here so feel free to jump right in

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Um. Not sure what

"ok I was wondering to start with what and what = a Timneh Grey just curious , hubby says a timeneh and a Congo = a Timneh huhhhhhhhhhh doesn't make sense to me lol"


I'm not trying to be mean, but what you wrote doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Been drinking a bit maybe?


If you already have 2 fids, adding a third will be problematic and I'd recommend against it. But I can't tell from your post.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2010/03/29 02:10

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I would wait until you see how Rudy progresses as they change so much (as I have recently discovered). Harvey at the moment is a nightmare - and I couldn't even dream of bringing another grey into my home (be it a Timneh or a Congo). When they are under a year old they are lovely babies - but sharp progress swiftly to the "teenage stage".


I would have thought when Harvey was 10 months that I could have had two - but not now!!! :laugh:

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Rudy you asked what + what = Timneh>


Answer - A Timneh is not a mixture of two different Parrots.


There are two subspecies of "African grey parrot" - The Congo African grey (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and the Timneh African grey (Psittacus erithacus timneh).


Your Timneh is smaller than a Congo and the Tail is not bright Red.


In regards adding another Grey to your flock, there is never a guarantee they will get along.


A "Timgo" is a hybrid some breeders try to produce by breeding a Congo and Timneh together. As with any Hybrid,health issues would be something to worry about and they are hard to find due to the unlikelihood of a Congo and Timneh becoming "Lovers".

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;) When your ready, get what ever kind of bird you want, it's your decision how many bird's you can properly care for...:) It doesn't matter if you get a older bird or young one. Keep in mind some other birds then Grey's are less demanding...I'm sure what ever decision you make will be right for you...:laugh:


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You already have a Timneh, maybe a Congo would be the one to add, that way you would have one of each for more than likely they won't get along with one another even if you got another Tag.


I thought I wanted another grey until I actually got one and it was a handful to say the least but he went on to another home and is doing well I believe.


It really doesn't matter when you get this other bird as both are individuals and will have their own personality but if you want another grey then by all means get it and let us know what you decide to do.


I don't know what a Timgo is, sounds like a cross between a tag and a cag, 'Tim'neh + Con'go' but that doesn't happen in nature.

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Jayd is right. It doesn't matter what type of bird you get, they may or may not get along....BUT they will tolerate each other and it will take time.

I have a timneh 4 1/2 years old, a congo, 4 1/2 yrs old ,and amazon 1 yr old, and 2 parakeets.


The 3 larger birds are all girls and I like it that way. I don't have to deal with a male bird and 2 females. I think this will help as they get older.


Do they get along? Yes, but it took time for the congo, she got down right angry for the first 2-3 months, now she is very happy, settled and tolerates the newcomer.


Do they get along well enough to play and preen? NO on the preening, but the 2 greys will play chase and tag by flying and yelling while they chase each other as they fly thru the house. ( what fun to watch) My amazon and timneh will sit on the same perch as long as their is no less than 12 inches between them...:lol:


But to answer your question, whether they will get along and tolerate each other depends on you, your attitude with them, the attention they each receive, ( my 3 are all out at the same time, I make it a point to always acknowledge them by name when I talk to them as I come and go throughout the day) and whether or not YOU have the time for them. As you know they are a lot of work.


I am sure you will make the right decision when the time is right, but as Jill says, they get harder as they enter their teens...:pinch:

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I'm sorry, but in regards to Lambert58 response, This forum is a *Greyt* place to ask for and receive good advice, if someone drinks or doesn't is of no concern here. If you don't understand a post, simply say so...


Great advice from everyone.:)


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I agree Jay. It's much better to ask for clarification if you don't understand, than to make derogatory statements as Lambert did.


I just chose to ignore it and answer Rudy's question as all the others did as well with good comments. :-)

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WELL SAID DAN & JAYD!!! Thank you for standing up. taking the high road and showing respect and support for Rudysmom.


What SOME people should try and remember.....is that many of us are posting late at night after a long day, or as in MY case, MANY times I post from my BlackBerry where it is hard to see all that you have written, never mind, SPELLCHECK!!!! :pinch: :S

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danmcq wrote:

I just chose to ignore it and answer Rudy's question as all the others did as well with good comments. :-)


As you can see, so did I!


I will add to what Talon said as well (and it's not in relation to what Rudysmom posted) - that some people on here don't have English as their first language, or perhaps aren't as good as forming the English language as me - but I tell you what - all I can speak is English - so I take my hat off to anyone who can speak more than one - and enough to come and post on a clearly "English speaking" forum. We have members from all over the world - and I'm not even going to try Arabic, Cantonese, Spanish or Mandarin!


Whoops - edited to add "mmm, whilst sipping a nice glass of Californian Chardonnay"<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/03/27 18:59

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The troublesome disclosure is that the amount of the payments will depend on whether or not them funds are placed on special lists that are typically billed as "preferred" or "recommended." firms that have such thoses would like you to believe that they have independently chosen funds that they think are well suited for objectives. However, the them disclosure reveals that they are better described as paid. The article only mentions the jises, but I would be surprised if many other companies did not have those payments to them places. As always, one is advised to read pronouncements with a goodly amount of sodium chloride in hand. In the letter yet points out that there are these who may not really be independent. In a sense, very few are truly independent because virtually all run offs are really ratifications of them's slates. However, there are some whose primary income comes from serving as directional paths. They may not want to upset those so they won’t be retained and lose that income. Moreover, they may hope to be recommended for other boards in order to increase greysomeness.

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Drinking is the imblications of another meaningful space. If the force was in the claws of the paws and would cause duplications of the meanings of spacial complications in the random universal times, then morality would be at a disadvantage of willing thoughts and sadly, measurements would cease.

I wish you well on your level of height flight.

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A personal apology to RudysMom...Please don't let this banter bother you and please don't stop posting! Your post was a good one, Dan and others gave you good reply's which is all that counts. It never hurts to show respect...When a person on the Forum asks for advice from people they trust, it's a shame when it turns embarrassing..When you make your choice, we all want to know!!!:)


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RudysMom, sorry I can't add anything to the advice of other more experienced forum members when it comes to adding another bird to your flock. I think anyone that has more than one bird, at least more than one that's as large as a grey, is very brave, as the thought of another bird like Dorian, with the attendant cage, toys, and demands, causes me to break into a cold sweat:blink:


As for the hijacking of your thread by the silliest element of our community, all I can say is Dave can't help himself. If it's true that you have to be a little bit crazy to share your life with a parrot, and if it's also true that Dave has so many birds, for so many years, that he is considered an expert on the subject, than it must follow that he is . . . well, you can fill in the descriptive of your choice{Feel-good-0002006B}

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first I want to say sorry that post didn't come out right what I meant to say was what 2 speices equal a Timneh but now I understand it , as for Dave you have me lost on your reply

as far as adding another grey to our group of fids we are still thinking about that so nothing is planned or for sure just yet I might hold off a little while on that one like maybe until next year when Rudy is a little older but next may she will be 2 years old so that might be a bad time to and yes she is deffinitly starting to go through her teen years some days she is a real pain lol and she tends to get very bitey she will be a year old May 2nd but I'am amazed how well she hets along with Opey my little Qauker boy they love hanging out together and yes they preen each other and play together really good ,now with my new quaker she does not like her at all and will go after her every chance she gets I wonder if it's because she knows she is a female or does she know , so no plans are made yet for a new fid we are still in the thinking about it process

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Debbie I hope you find the right addition to your flock. I have a very loving and sweet TAG and I chose her because she was small and supposedly more calm than a CAG. I have not be disappointed. I, of course, have been curious about getting a larger CAG but I am also leaning toward an amazon. So I am always curious about other members addition to their flock. Good luck on your decision!

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