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Who are Your Pet Careproviders at Vacation Time???


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I would like to know what others do when they go on vacation or when an emergency makes it necessary to leave your pets for a week or two. Do you have family who care for your pets, hire someone to come in and care for them or take them to a boarding place? Just how do you provide for your pets care for long periods of time?

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This is always a worry Janet.I know my cousin Bernard would have Charlie stay with him if the need came up.The last time I went away was over 3 years ago and my dad came to stay in mine but at 81 I could not put that on him again.I would always prefere to keep the birds in there own home rather than board them somewhere.

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My parents have Harvey in their home. So far they have had him for two weeks last summer and two weekends when we were away. Although he doesn't have the freedom he has in our home, they do let him out in the mornings and evenings (when they are both there - for added security!!!).


I'm also "babysitting" one of our member's babies when they go on holiday - so I'll be able to give you the perspective from both sides of the fence :laugh:

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I have a lady who has birds of her own that takes care of Josey and Sunny when I go on vacation and I also belong to a bird club and if it were necessary one of them would care for my birds.


Like Jill my birds do not have the freedom they do at home but they have plenty of company.

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