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Peppers DNA test results are in........


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Ha Ha! I read that you had posted this Brittany, and then hovered over your profile on "who is online" and saw that SHE was born.... and thought, Ah, how lovely, Pepper still is a girl.


Well, unless you have started putting bows in HIS hair and painting his talons, then you'll be fine - Pepper can be a boy's name too :laugh:

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Very awesome! We thought our Grey Calypso was a male, NOPE, GIRL, lol...Its always what you dont think it seems like. It is nice to know though. :) For me it was sort of like I had to get to know her all over again, lol, I mean as a girl not a boy, Cuz I thought of her as male for so long. It didnt take long though :)


Congrats on your baby boy!

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Elvenking wrote:

Did you know I almost named my Grey Pepper? Then i wanted to go with a name from the geniuses of Physics and Issac came out....after the great Issac Newton. :)


Really? Ha thats kinda funny.


We were going to name Pepper "Smoky" I came up with that..but i dont think it fits him so im glad we didnt.


Issac is a nice name, i like it

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