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Mischief's my middle name, Spock


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B) Greetings, Spock here...I have noticed that there are an awful lot of rules around here...can't touch this, can't play with that...it's enough to drive a bird to seed...The other day, I found a very interesting item on the coffee table (Jay uses it when he gets paper out and it makes marks on the paper) and I crept closer to check it out. All of a sudden, I hear Jay say "Spock, NO!!" (Sheessh! Does he have eyes in the back of his head?) so I pretended I wasn't interested in that and walked over to a toy. When he got up to check on Joey, I snuck over and grabbed it (the pen) and flew off with my treasure...:evil: (hahaha, I guess I showed him!) OOOPS!:unsure: Didn't work, he was waiting for me and took it away...

Every time I fly over to the big white bird because she looks like she might like to preen me, Jay and Maggie run over yelling and waving their hands all around, "NO, NO Spock!" I guess she is not interested in that. All she wants to do lately is get on Maggie's hand and try to rub herself. I don't know why she wants to do that...It is a lot more fun to fly around...:woohoo:

When it is nap time for everyone and Joey and I are keeping Jay company so he does not get lonely, I reach up and try to mind-meld with Joey but he does not cooperate. I have tried with Jay but he does not have enough hair. I have tried with Maggie but she is just too dense. When I tried to mind-meld with Salsa, her mind was going 90 miles per hour and I could not succeed...she was too scattered...I guess that what happens with different species...:blink:

Oooohhh, I have to go, Jay caught me at the computer and I am in trouble now...:evil:


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Dear little Spock, it is so hard to mind meld when you have so little to work with, your subjects are unarmed. LOL. I love your updates and unique outlook, good luck getting that pen next time. Maybe if you talk real sweet to Jay he will let you have one with the insides removed, I know that is the best part but it is a start and if you have a dummy pen, soon enough you can swap it out with Jay's real one and maybe he wouldn't notice for a minute.

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Spock have you consider writing your own story book? You have a flair for using that keyboard to your advantage and as you are able to "borrow"computer time from the humans it just might work. than you could choose and purchase your own treats and such on line. What do you think you admir;) er Pookie.

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Hey! What's this - the Parrot Dating Thread! There's a sticky somewhere I've read about flirting in the IM window - I think Spock, Pookie and Ana Grey best get Jay & Janet & Jill to read them it (ha ha - all the Js)!


Harvey says Spock that it's a waste of time trying to mind meld my brain - he may be grey, but my grey matter isn't up to much!!


Keep up your blog Spock baby - we love you :kiss:

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Spock here...This is something I will have to contemplate very carefully. This might cut into my play time or even more...my flight time....What about a title, a plot, so many questions...Will I get Carpal Talons from all the typing? Just because I'm perfect, I don't want to come across as too conceited...I need to do some research...any suggestions? Pookie and Ana Grey, wow...a fan club...


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Actually Spock, with your extraordinary intellect you could suggest thoughtfully to Jay that he hook up the microphone for the computer and instead of typing in the extraordinary ventures that you have taken and will take you could just dictate the book into the computer with vlingo or some other type of voice recognition software (free of course). I want a signed copy as well, but we're keeping Dixie away from you, I'm sure that little southern belle would lose her manners in a heartbeat!



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Hi Spock, this is Issac. I can't tell you how much fun I have flying about my daddy's place. The best place to be is right on his shoulder, that way I can be there for everything he does. I will not let him in the kitchen without a thorough investigation as to what is going on. The black box that makes beeping noises always seems to put out some kind of goodie. I try to let my daddy know when I want him to use it by making those beep noises my self, he seems to get it most of the times. Like you, I like the computer, I try to help daddy type but he is always moving me off. It seems to drive him crazy, how fun. Sometimes he misplaces me back on my cage, but I quickly correct that with a nice flight back to his shoulder. Sometimes I poop and it fills my daddy with joy, other times, he doesn't appear so pleased. I wish I could figure this guy out. The world is pretty new to me still, and looking outside fills me with great wonder, I can see and hear all kinds of things going on in the lot.


Well, I have some toys to chew on for now. Take care Spock, yer a good guy ;)


IMG_1054.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 19:58


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Hi, this is Maggie (Spock's not around)...I wanted to let you all know that all of Spock's stories begins with a true or actual experience and he adds creative license to entertain. Spock, Joey, Salsa, and all our fids really are the characters they portray....I want to

:angry: "SPOCK!!!!! STOP THAT!!! I told them already, now get away!:evil: "




Spock here, Issac,Right On !!!!;)<br><br>Post edited by: Spock, at: 2010/03/25 23:28

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Dear Spock & Issac,


We wonder if you know how much you make our mum smile and giggle when she comes here daily to read this thread. :cheer: :cheer:


She tries to tell us what you write, but of course we already know cause we sneak peeks on her laptop when she's not downstairs watching us. :silly: :P We even know her password as she types it in when we are perched over her shoulder on the couch. ;)


We agree with you guys, trying to figure these parronts out is impossible!! What goes on in those heads of theirs??? :blink:

What ever it is, I know she says that you guys think and act just like us....how could that be....we don't even know each other!!! :S

Oops, gotta go, she's coming!!!!!! :pinch:

Talon, Rikki, Nilah<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2010/03/27 03:26

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You're all so great....I look forward to the Forum, everyday, just can't wait to read it, and look how many Grey's Spock's help bring out of the closet....:woohoo:


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Spock, when you write your book, the logical thing to do is to get a "pen" name... LOL, then you can elaborate and sound as conceited as you like and we'll all laugh because you let only us know it is really you behind the shenanigans. Also... now you can convince Jay to use his pen for the good of the world. When your adoring fans ask for you autograph, you can keep their pens too. It only right for a celebrity such as yourself to have whatever you wish.

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