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My Grey is sneezing....


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Guest Lidia

Take her to the vet immediately, don't delay. By the time AGs are showing signs of sickness, they are already quite ill. Get to the vet and keep us updated.

Good luck.

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Hi and welcome,


I agree, if there is acute onset of the signs you mention get to a vet. Can you describe more the spitting up issue? Also how old is the bird and how long have you had her? The dung coloration can be a direct result of the recent diet change. Did you make a 100% switch or are you still offering the other foods the bird was used to? Generally a diet change should be gradually introduced otherswise the stress involved and adjustment can result in health issues.


Keep us posted. Again from what you have described so far it sure sounds like you should get her to a vet.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/04 21:00

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She is spiting up peices of her food and then she trys to eat it again. She is 6 years old. i have had her for the full 6 years i hand feed her when she was a baby. she has never had this though. Recently she had gotten out of her cage and flew away and just when i had lost hope was found 3 weeks later.she did see a vet 2 weeks ago he said she was in perfect shape. the first week out in the wild and then someone took her in for a week and then called animal control. There in turn i called animal control and claimed her by her foot tag #. She has had trauma but when she came home she was so happy to be here with us. She has been home 2 weeks now and i thought she was settling in very nicely until now.

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Guest Lidia

Yes, get her to the vet, really, do it immediately. She could easily have picked up some bug that just didn't show when the vet saw her. AGs, because they are prey animals, do their very damndest to hide their illness so they won't be picked off by predators.

Please take her to the vet and get blood tests run. Take a sample of her droppings, too, just in case the vet needs that.

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Sherry, is she showing any other symptoms besides the spitting up food and sneezing. I think a vet visit is in order, but it could be she is reguritating for you and maybe mimicing the sneezing from the foster home she was in while she went missing. This is my guess, but a vet visit would rule out anything physical like an infection, bug or something else.


Keep us informed as to what happens, we are concerned about your grey.:(

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I took her today to the vet that was as soon as i could get her in and between her falling ill my daughter who was in Mexico on a mission trip fell ill and could not fly back on the day she had planned so i have been a bit preoccupied. i am very sorry not to have gotten word that Affy is fine. the vet ran test and she did not have any type of infection! he said that her change in diet which the new food had an overage of peppers and a vitimin called Ester-E Affy could not handle it. so she would go to her water bowl and flush out her nose and throat and then sneeze. also he thinks that after she was returned i changed the location of her cage from a warmer room to right outside the kitchen so that i could keep an closer eye on her since she had been so tramatized from the whole event. well that room is much cooler and he thinks the draft was to much for her since she was used to the other temp. she is feeling much better and i have moved her cage again to a better location and am back to her normal diet. she is not as grumpy and getting back to her normal Birdy sweet self. thank you all for your advice. i am so glad i have found this site it is invaluble!

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Thanks so much for the update on Affy, I am glad everything is ok, we were worried. It seems that things like this come in twos or threes at a time, so glad all is well again. Keep us informed on future progress, and post a picture of Affy if you have one besides the one in your avatar.


Introduce yourself on the welcome page if you like so we will know a little more about you. We are all family here and we care about each other and our greys too.:)

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Thanks for passing this information!


That's one I'll need to watch for if I ever switch Brands of foods.


Welcome also! When you have time, it would be great to hear more about your Grey and also see some Photos. :woohoo:

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sherricougan - glad to hear that all sounds well!


greylover - it is normal for greys to "sneeze" from time to time throughout the day. That is one way they keep their nares clear. All parrots do this quite often. ;)


The concern is if the nares visibly have crud on them and or if they are sneezing profusely and actually flushing out liquid etc.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/07 04:44

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Guest briansmum

so great to hear shes fine, thanks for sharing your experience im sure something similar happens to lots of grey owners. they are such sensetive creatures.

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Sherri, Welcome! I am so glad to hear that all is well! We appreciate the update. When a bird on this forum has an issue of any type, we are all concerned and do worry about each others birds. SO, the update is GREAT news! Thank you! I look forward to hearing more about you and seeing pictures!! :cheer:

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