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What Yoshi eats...


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I know a lot of people ask about what to feed their Greys and by no way am I saying Yoshi eats the perfect combination, but I thought I'd contribute by explaining what works well for us:


Yoshi was weaned onto a cheap seed mix and Zupreme Fruity Pellets... soon after I decided to switch out the Zupreme for Roudybush as I had heard it is better for them (I really don't know for sure).


Yoshi accepts the pellets now best if they are mixed in with her other foods. She now seems very happy with her food supply. I usually buy 2 different seed mixes... one with more dried fruits and veggies in it. I mix those together in a tupperware and refrigerate it. (Refrigerating your bird food is a good idea as it keeps little bug eggs from hatching apparantly).She gets half a bowlfull of this seed mix and half a bowl of Roudybush on top. Of course she forages through the Roudybush in persuit of the yummy seeds first, but then she knows she has to eat the Roudybush before she gets more seeds.


She goes through her seed/roudybush supply very slowly though, as that is in her cage mainly for when we are gone but often she is with us and gets whatever we eat. She has her own food bowl on her playstand in the living room where she snacks happily on veggies and egg and rice and whatever we have to give her. She will do anything for a piece of shredded cheese, but she is very limited on cheese :P She also likes a grape... will slowely chew on that for about 5 minutes until it's completely disappeared. Pizza Crust is another favorite... although I think she has more fun just pulling bits off it and throwing them than actually eating it. She likes mash potatoe, and cooked soft veggies. She also has a thing for pistachios, and muching on dry pasta. Give her a string of cherios, dry pasta shells, and a couple almonds, and she will have it destroyed in about 10 minutes (if that :P).


Now Yoshi is clipped, but she still gets a lot of exercise... she is usually out of the cage most of the day, and we keep her active. She works for any treats she gets, playing dead and flapping her wings and giving kisses and stuff.


All in all she is a pretty happy bird :)

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