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Looking For Birdie Mash


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I have seen a few birdie veggie mash recipies out there but am now having a hard time tracking any down that will speak to the inexperienced cooker in me. I kind of need specific mix instrcutions and such as I am not a great or experienced baker. LOL. An understatement. On the grill...I am good though...HA!


So send your links my way or paste some good treats for my baby Issac. Thank you.

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Be adventurous--make your own



Bird Mash


1 cup almond/pecans/walnuts sliver or pieces

1 cup dried fruit

1/2 cup kelp

1/2 cup split green peas

1/2 cup split yellow peas

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, ginger, or allspice

2 4 tablespoons dried chillis

2 4 tablespoons dried orange peel

2 cups brown or wild rice

2 cups currants

2 cups green lentils

2 cups grits

2 cups mung beans

2 cups red lentils

2 cups spinach pasta cracked fine

2 cups white or yellow hominy corn

4 cups textured vegetable protein



1 cup dry to 2 cup water.

Stovetop method:

Boil Water, add dry mix cook on medium for about 1/2 hour uncovered, stir constantly.

Once it's done cooking, add veggies, and pellets.

Freeze it in an ice cube tray and put into baggies.

A batch usually lasts a couple weeks.


Show the world what you can do!!


Bird Bars-------Treat


2 cups cornmeal

2 cups flour

8 teaspoon baking powder

4 eggs w/shells

1 1/2 cups applesauce

2 cups apple juice

4 tablespoon peanut butter

2 cups seed ( get small bag of cockatiel seed)

2 cups mixed veggies

1 can fruit cocktail



Mix and pour in greased 9x12 pan and bake at 350 for 40-45 min.

Cut in bars, cool and serve.

===================================================<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/03/22 23:35

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Lol...I appreciate your confidence in my abilities...but me in a kitchen is kinda like handing a razorblade to a baby...it just doesn't often turn out well.


Thsi a great recipie though. Only part I don;t get is when you say "1 Cup Dry to 2 cups water". If you clear that up...I can probably do this. What is the dry mix you refer to. And some parts say '2 4 tablespoons'...is that 2-4? I guess it isn't that critcal. You mix all of this together and they like it. That is a major combo...lol!

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Your getting it. one cup dry to one cup wet. And while Dave is right that wet and dry cups aren't the same, if you start out with the same measuring cup, don't stress over it. If the mash looks dry to you, add water. If it looks too wet, like soup, add some dry.


And as for handing a baby a razor, on our first vacation after my son was born, hubby unpacked like he did before kids. Then proceeded to put our 15 month old in the tub. A few minutes later I hear, "spicy" in a strange tone so I rush in to find him playing with the razor but only one teeny tiny cut.


Moral of the story? Even a baby with a razor can survive so you can certainly do that first recipe. If it helps your confidence, put the saucepan on the grill and do it up like your making a sauce for whatever your grilling. I had to do that when my kitchen was being remodeled. You would be amazed at how versatile a grill is.


One note, while your learning, stir often and stay nearby. Cook on a medium heat so things don't cook too fast and you will be less likely to burn things.

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