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Every day when I come home from school I bring Mikey downstairs. His main cage is in my room and we have a smaller one in the living room for when he wants to be with the other pets. Today I had my mother try to get him to bring him down. When he refused to step up she tried leaving the room, bringing treats and even sitting in another part of the room ignoring him. The most he would do is fly around in circles refusing to land on her. My brother went up to try and got bit. Mikey is almost 7 months old and we have had him almost 2 months. About 2 weeks ago my mother was in the hospital for a week. Since she came home it seems like Mikey doesn't trust her any more. How can I get him to accept others and not just let me handle him? Are there any games or exercies I can do with my family and him to get Mikey to like them all? I thought I was doing well with keeping him social but I guess not as well as I thought. Any help would be appreciated I really don't want him to be a one person bird. Thank you.


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Hi Casey - perhaps moving Mikey to his large cage IN the living room would be better to socialise him. They are flock birds and like to be with their "flock". Keeping Mikey in your room doesn't share him with the family and therefore he won't be too interested in them.


Unfortunately Mikey is getting older and telling you what he does and doesn't want. By having him in your room you have kind of "produced" a one person bird. Saying that, Harvey doesn't particularly like anyone else in my family - and he's well socialised!


It's very difficult to coax them back too - my husband has been trying for such a long time - and Harvey refuses to let him touch him.


Tell them not to give up - I know my husband hasn't (yet)! ;)

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I agree with Jill, you need to have Mikey out with the family so he will know that he is part of the family. Perhaps it would help if others helped with his feeding and treat giving so that he doesn't just focus on you as the care provider. I live alone so my fids know and trust me. However, my grey seems to enjoy being with my 10 year old grandson. Ana Grey will fly to him and likes to "hang" with Gabriel. Our greys pick who they like and enjoy being with so give Mikey a chance to know everyone.

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First of all, you need to switch cages. The big one should be in the living room, not visa versa. Keeping a bird in a small cage for part of the day can overly stimulate a bird to react very happily when he finally gets into the large cage. He may not wanna be bothered by people. He may wanna execise and vent his frustration at being in a small cage where exercise is limited all the time. Plus, the bird is getting older and more adept at things and more obstinate. That's a grey's nature. They don't stay cuddly for long. Personally, I don't believe in having multiple cages around. I believe one big cage is enough for the bird. The big main cage is his home during the day and sleeping area during the night and also provides the bird with all the other things it wants to do during the day. It also allows your bird to see and get used to people and places that he needs to re experience. Another thing here is that during the day, he's in one cage and is immediately put into into another cage. That's commonly known as being cage bound and once an age advancing bird sees that freedom can be had, he'll definitely become harder to control.

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luvparrots and Jill,

Thank you very much for your responses. I do try to have him with everyone for many hours every day. My room is really the pet hangout where the dogs,my mom and I stay with Mikey. When I am at school my mom comes in with the dogs and hangs out with him. He is almost never alone. The only problem with keeping him down all the time is the other pets. We have 5 cats and 2 dogs. Everyone does great with him except one cat seems to be too interested in him. Maybe within time we can get that cat better under control and move Mikey down. Thank you very much for the help.

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Thank you for your advice. Everything you said makes a lot of sense. He does have a lot of hours of playing on his play gym and flying around when we put some of the cats away. Now that the weather is nice we have begun taking him for stroller walks until we figure out his harness. Thank you again maybe switching cages is the best way to go

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