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Charlie is still plucking


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Charlie is still plucking. I took him back to the vet on Saturday. He now thinks it is psycological. I am not ready to accept that yet. My vet has aranged for me to see a coleague of his who is an exotic expert on Friday to see if she can come up eith anything. I am so upset. I feel I have let Charlie down some way. He sat on my knee last night and pulled out 2 new feathers still in the sheeths. I am at a loss. All sugestions will be so greatfully accepted.

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Sheila, whatever you do you mustn't blame yourself, you have NOT let Charlie down, you are a great parront! Sometimes unfortunately it is just the case that AG's pluck, they are skittish by nature. I do feel that with Charlie it is just a process of elimination be that allergy or psycological, something somehow is bothering him. It is probably something quite simple that you have taken no notice of. Isn't this what my problem with Argyle turned out to be in the end?? I was pulling my hair out too.


I hope you get some answers from the specialist Sheila but continue to search your mind for something in your household or routine or even Cracker that has caused this unease with him. I wish you luck.

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I am so sorry that I have no real advice to help you with Charlie because I don't have enough experience. But, what I do know for sure is that you are helping him in every way you know and trying so many avenues to find him some relief. It is devastating to watch him and not understand how to reach him to help. It is such an individual thing that I have great hope for the vet you'll see Friday to help you find the pathway to the root of Charlie's distress. His issues are not a result of your care, but in spite of it. My blessings and best wishes are with you.

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Thank you. On Friday I am going to insist on blood work and skin scrape and an xray of the wing he first started plucking. It is the wing he had an injury to a while back. I have just spoken to the head keeper of the parrot house at Chester zoo who said I am doing all I can. I will feel better once I see the vet on Friday thanks for the support.

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I am sorry you are having this trouble. I wish I had some advice for you. I just want to be sure to wish you the best of luck. Do your best to stay strong and know that you are being a great parront to your baby. Try not to get discouraged. You are in my thoughts. Good luck

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she wrote:

I am so upset. I feel I have let Charlie down some way. He sat on my knee last night and pulled out 2 new feathers still in the sheaths. I am at a loss. All suggestions will be so gratefully accepted.


Oh Sheila, don't be hard on yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that you have done everything right with Charlie. You show so much love and devotion by exhausting all the means and help you can find to help him through this.


All Grey owners come to know as time goes by that Greys are know to pluck. So do, some don't, but I do not think it is any reflection on the owners. It is their intellect and high strung personalities that many times starts it for reasons that can be physical or just flat out mental stress for god knows what.


If anyone ever comes up with an answer that cures all, they would be a godsend to all grey owners and other parrot species as well.


Hopefully this new specialist will have a good insight in to what may be the underlying cause and provide a workable treatment.


Please keep us posted.

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It may just still have a little pain there where he injured it, bone bruising takes a long time to heal and many species react to pain by further irritating the affected area. What ever the issue is you are not alone and you are doing everything you can to alleviate his issue. I have a self mutilating Cockatoo that came to me that way and recently have acquired a naked Timneh who only has head feathers. The Too has improved but still must wear a collar and a jacket most of the time.

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