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Makeshift Echo Chamber.


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On Friday I had a day off from work. This gave me a chance to experience what goes on in the afternoons.:blush:


Even if I happen to be home in the afternoon, I won't necessarily spend the whole time with my parrots.

I will go to another room, close the door and do some work, take a nap, etc..

Yesterday was quite funny, I had read about Alex the Grey doing this with coffee mugs but had never seen this with Emma.{Feel-good-00020114}


Yesterday she spent about 20 minutes sticking her head in and out of her food bowl and experimented with talking inside of it.

I don't know when she discovered this but she has figured out that when she talks with her head shoved in her wet food bowl, she sounds differently.

Yesterday she spent quite some time saying all kinds of nonsensical things in her bowl, then she'd come up for air to say a few more words, the she'd shove her head back in and repeat. One of these days I'd like to get that on video.


Any of your parrots do something like this?

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