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electrical cords


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I read that saying "no" to my bird will only reinforce a behavior. So how do I teach Morgan to not chew on electrical cords? I've picked up all the lamps that I can--just to remove the temptation. But I need a few lights in the house!


Morgan is a 7 month old CAG.



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You will have to put him back in his cage and turn your back on him to let him know the cords are off limits but keeping them hidden or well covered should help. I am lucky in that Josey has never taken a liking to chewing anything like that, of course it helps that she does not fly and does very little walking around on the floor, she pretty much stays where I put her.

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You've simply got to keep your bird away from electric cords. You can't train a bird to NOT bite something. If you see that your bird is near electric cords, take him away from them. All that entails keeping a sharp eye on your bird. They shouldn't be allowed to drift all over the floor or near outlets. It's really a very simple solution.

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Thanks, everyone. Here are a few more details. My living room has a cathedral ceiling. It is a barn-style home with 4x8 beams spanning at 1 story up and 2 stories up. There is track lighting on those beams.


Morgan likes to fly up to a beam, then reach over and chew on the cord to a track light. I really can't cover those cords--they are about 2" long and run from the base of the fixture to the part that holds the lamp. And I can't get to Morgan, because he's so high up.


Do you think this means I will have to get him clipped? If I clip him, and then let his flight feathers grow back in, do you think those few intervening months would give me enough time to train him to be more cooperative?


I really want Morgan to fly, but I sure don't want him electrocuted!!! :ohmy:


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Pictures of the specific areas you're talking about would make explanations or opinions or ideas easier to give. It's hard to visulize what you're talking about. As far as clipping, the only thing it'll do is not let the bird fly around and if he's already a flyer his personality may change because he's having a natural thing taken away PLUS, it'll take about a year for him to grow out a new set of flight feathers that will all be perfectly even on both sides.

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Actually, "no" works a lot for Issac. I am convinced he knows what it means. However, they do have those times where they just wanna bite something.


When he is out, I am pretty much on duty to make sure he plays with the right things. If I know I am going to be distracted for an extended period of time, I will place him in his cage. It's not a prison, just not as fun as being out...he finds ways to entertain himself. That and having loads of toys on hand helps too. I make a concentrated effort to keep his playground fun.


I am also finding that in general, the methods to any madness constantly have to evolve with the personality of Issac. What worked when I first got him, may not work anymore. They are such dynamic creatures. Amazingly child-like.


PS: I just saw your comment about track lighting and the height of that. That poses a unique challenge and you will defeinitely have to make the exposed cords bite proof by whatever means. Sure clipping would keep him from getting up there, but I think it's too much to sacrifice when you may be able to solve that particular problem.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 00:33

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Thankfully, Morgan hasn't gone up to the highest beam for several days now. I have removed the lower track lights. I'm really hoping that he will just lose interest in the lights, as I really want him to fly. I do still say "no" to him when necessary, but I'm not convinced that he understands it yet.


He was soooooo cute yesterday. I have a game where he has to put the colored chip on the right peg, and he did it!!! I got so excited, so he did it again!!! Now I'm not sure he knew what he was doing, but he knew that I liked it. So very cute!!

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